
Re: Agroecology text ideas?

Molly - re: Jim's thoughts below. I agree that there isn't any one good
text - but a text would have some advantages. For the sus ag course I am
taking now I have purchased six books and a massive $50 course packet - for
a total cost of about $220. Kind of steep. Is this why you want a 'text',
e.g. a single book, or are we misunderstanding what you mean by 'text'? But
these days, I am turned off by courses that offer texts - seems too simple.
Nancy Grudens Schuck

Thanks, Nancy Grudens Schuck

>re: agroecology text....
>Molly...I don't think there is any one book.

(REST CUT OFF) from:

Jim King

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Kennedy Hall
Dept. Education
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853