
Agroecology texts

Hi SAED-Share. A response to Mollie's post on SANET. Nancy Grudens Schuck

>From: "Gruver, Joel" <gruverj@css.orst.edu>
>To: "'sanet-mg'" <sanet-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu>
>Subject: Agroecology texts
>Date: Thu, 19 Oct 95 11:00:00 PDT
>Encoding: 51 TEXT
>This is a response to the request for agroecology text info :
>Already mentioned by A. Clarke, I have found "Crop Ecology" by Loomis and
>Connor to be an excellent reference text. This book does not promote
>agriculture... it does however contain the best sysnthesis of crop
>physiology, soil science, water relations, energy analysis, systems analysis
>that I have seen in any one book.
>The institution where I was employed last year, Hampshire College, Amherst,
>MA, teaches several undergraduate agroecology classes. My recollection is
>that these classes use several texts as well as many handouts.
>Miguel Alteri is the author of a text used at Hampshire that I believe is
>titled "Agroecology" which covers low-inout indigenous agriculture.
>Farmer/author Jim Bender has written a book that I believe is titled Future
>Harvest which is the best presentation of an alternative midwest agriculture
>system that I have seen. This book is very applied. It details step by step
>Benders farming practices and how they integrate into a system. He also
>explains very rationally why he has chosen the practices that he uses over
>more conventional methods.
>The new Planting the Future ? book comparing north west agricultural systems
>(Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Dakotas...) from a sustainability
>perspective is also good...
>The Agroecology class at Hampshire that I was most closely connected with
>had an IPM emphasis because the prof was an entomologist. The class included
>tours of several local farms including the Hampshire farm. All students had
>to complete and present group projects.
>I loaned an excellent book on low input sustainable tropical ag to a student
>in this class and never saw it again. I purchased this book from agAcess and
>it was published in  the Netherlands about 2-3 years ago.  Any ideas what
>the name of this book might have been  ?
>Personally I feel the integration of animals and crops should be emphasized
>in any agroecology class.  I gave a lecture to the above mentioned class on
>this subject.
>I think the ecology of sustainable animal ag. is perhaps the most
>misunderstood topic among today's "environmentally conscious" . I can share
>a paper I wrote on this subject with anyone interested as well as a list of
>good resources on sustainable animal agriculture. If you want this info send
>me a personal request at
>Joel Gruver
>Oregon State University

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Kennedy Hall
Dept. Education
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853