
Re: chicken candling query.


I often see posts like yours on various boards.  I'm glad their are "chicken
novices" out there (better than being a "novice chicken," heh? ;-)   I have
to ask, are you aware of Cooperative Extension and the resources available to
you?  Have you called your local Cooperative Extension office?  Your tax
dollars at both the county and federal level support these information
dissemination efforts.

A good basic book on all poultry is Raising Poultry the Modern Way by Leonard
S. Mercia, a former Vermont Extension agent.  It is published by Garden Way,
a division of Storey Communications, Inc.  It's probably available from the
feed store where you bought your chicks/feed; any book store could order it
for you.  It has a section on making a candling light for home use.  Candling
is use to see if an egg has been fertilized or has a blood spot in it.

Good luck!  We need more new aggies on any scale.  Remember there are no dumb


PS to Sanetters

RE: where does food come from - another consequence of our urbanization is
the lack of awareness by the general public of the Cooperative Extension
I know "trolling for clients" is not what everyone wants to do in an era of
declining budgets.  However (pardon the pun) this is a classic
chicken-and-the-egg argument.  Maybe it's time for Extension to reach out to
potential farmers.  Those folks already in agriculture are usually aware of
Extension but the 3rd generation of (sub)urbanites are not.  As these people
show an increasing interest in small town America, they will need sources of