[The Philm Freax Archive - Turn on your images please!]

The 1997 Guestbook

We've been serving up Freax with impunity now since mid-1996 but 1997 was our first full year online and a lot of folk have left their own memories here for all to share... compliments, complaints, giggles and grunts, even some photos, all nice stuff and some cool links too so come on in and scroll on down!

sign the current guestbook
read the 2000 guestbook
read the 1999 guestbook
read the 1998 guestbook
read the 1996 guestbook



Do you have any pictures of TYA fo sale?

Dan Saunders <wrkdive@erols.com>
Tolland, CT U.S.A - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 20:37:18 (EST)

colin chandler <dont know>
- Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 07:55:38 (EST)

you are what you drink and I'am a bitter man.

neil thirlaway <?>
gateshead, England - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 09:53:34 (EST)

Hey, there! Just wanted to say "Thank you again!" to Phil (he knows why) and that I love this site.
My best to you and yours in 1998!
Oh... and if anybody sees Mick Taylor, please tell him we still LOVE HIM in the USA!

Carol Rock <carol@stones.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, December 26, 1997 at 18:16:49 (EST)

Wow! Thanks for sharing all this with us. The Chunga's Revenge picture has always been one of my favorites, i always thought Frank was freaking out in that picture or something not yawning. Would love to see more. Always interested in that time period and would like to see and read more on Dead, Zappa, Steve Hillage, Gong, was that to early for Camel or Nektar? Thanks Again and Frank Zappa is my Mother!

Dudley Brooks <Spikeman01@aol.com>
Hilton Head , SC - Wednesday, December 24, 1997 at 01:25:41 (EST)

SYDNEY, NNS AUSTRALIA - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 00:16:13 (EST)

A kid I teach asked about the Pink Fairies. Lost count of how often I saw them - particularly remember the Weeley Festival near Clacton in August 1971, a little remembered but large gathering. Never thought I'd find anything on the net.

Andy <as@spelthorne.ac.uk>
Twickenham, Middlesex UK - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 09:42:05 (EST)

Hey man!!!!! Me is back checking it out! Seasons greeting and all that jazz. Be Back soon. Peace!

Tajoe <tajoe@niagara.com>
Thorold , ON Ca - Monday, December 15, 1997 at 20:49:26 (EST)

Jose Luiz Marchesin <jlmcom@uol.com.br>
Sao Paulo, SP Brasil - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 19:46:09 (EST)

Will be back. Got here from an Eno page and really like your work. Disappearing in Smoke...

John J. Delmos <none yet>
Berzerkely, Ca USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 00:46:57 (EST)

Nikola, the unfortunate child of Amerika. Yippeeeee!!!!!!!!
- Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 10:27:28 (EST)

E. Plurubus Funk
Melbourne, Vic. Australia - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 21:51:21 (EST)


I love you, man.

mark thomas
new york, ny - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 22:35:06 (EST)

Marxian amplification brushes seeps pimple numberless Coolidge sort shopped puzzle forgetting hovered conjuncted capacitances preoccupation blankest amorality...

scatrobat <acrobats@ballastsa.gov>
- Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 20:37:02 (EST)

Nice Homepage of a beautyful woman!

Christian Benz

Christian Benz <cBenz@wiinf.uni-wuerzburg.de>
Wuerzburg (Bavaria), BY Germany - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 11:00:17 (EST)

So far, so good...I'd love to make a link to your site
from mine but after reading your copyright statement..I'm
now afraid to. I too am an artist, a cartoonist actually..
so I do understand the copyright dilemma..

Dean L. Norton <shadorat@annex.com>
Riverside, CA USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 01:28:33 (EST)

I am thoroughly excited that you have such a broad and creative way of presenting such glorified news. Your flamboyancy is honorable and respectable, but mostly it's just GREAT!

Allison Nicole Simpson <ans121@psu.edu>
Altoona, PA USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 16:34:13 (EST)

What can I say! I respect and honor your flamboyant style of attack when describing such turn of events: castration is not exactly a chatted topic. I look forward to researching more of your info!

Allison Simpson <ans121@psu.edu>
Altoona, PA USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 16:32:02 (EST)

i was overcome with emulsion

big swifty <swifty@sky-master.demon.co.uk>
birmingham, england - Sunday, November 30, 1997 at 08:59:25 (EST)

nik turner is god.

Brendan Persinger <kapital@exo.com>
Tustin, CA USA - Sunday, November 30, 1997 at 05:29:33 (EST)

AMY FELICE <AmyF@antares-iti.com>
SAYVILLENY, NY USA - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 18:07:41 (EST)

Beautifully designed site. Especially nice for us older
folks who remember 1973 and beyond.....
Will return for future visits. Your creative work is
much appreciated. ~~Cheers, Richard

Richard Davidon <davidon@gte.net>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 11:19:28 (EST)

Phil, its been two phases of a full moon since I last drop by.
Thanks for the "food for thought", nicely well done..
The three day trip to the mountain was most enjoyable whilst
tuning into Space Bandit, Shapeshifter, Golden Seven [CD].
Nice to see some more golden memories flash through by
travelers of time. Shifted through some of the tribes links
and its well worth the time everyone has taken to share with
us. Please pass it on for a job well done and for you once again
keeping the motor running. Seen two excellent sites for gigs.
Will keep in touch.
For those travelling eyes thats been there, peace!
Ah, I see that smile upon your face again..
Onwards and Upwards :-)

Cisco Kid
Colorado Springs , CO - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 03:54:08 (EST)

WILMINGTON, DE USA - Sunday, November 23, 1997 at 22:28:17 (EST)

Renee <shar1969@sunlink.com>
Bloomsburg, pa USA - Sunday, November 23, 1997 at 01:56:42 (EST)

Good job on the web page- I was highly impressed. If you're in Chapel
Hill- I'd like to meet you or someone who is interested in tape trading
Thanks a lot- I look forward to your updates!

Jill Banks <mjbanks@hamlet.uncg.edu>
Greensboro, NC USA - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 09:55:06 (EST)


paul dick
- Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 09:35:32 (EST)

if anyone reads this and has some pink floyd things please send it to me and we can become friends and I can send you some pink flody stuff too

caroline <floyd96525>
southlake, tx ?????? - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 20:32:31 (EST)

great site, i love learning all i can about the dead. shine on!!!!

griffin anders <gaa2@ra.msstate.edu>
mississippi state, ms united states - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 16:06:17 (EST)


LEICESTER, ENGLAND - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 07:13:06 (EST)

great photos phil, only as bill graham once said
thanks for making the pages
Cheers Paul H

paul hollister <TheHollisters@compuserve.com>
stockport, england - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 14:08:17 (EST)

i appreciate all the work.....keepin it alive.....i never got to see the dead.....but it's all the work from this and other things....that keeps it real :)

Jill Salsbury <sista suga@aol.com>
cleveland, oh cuyahoga - Saturday, November 15, 1997 at 14:36:20 (EST)

The winds of time are blowing through here.

ooh. those chrome doughnuts . nik turner . gong . i dont know which way to look . please dont take it away

John <john@drystone.co.uk>
Grosmont, Wales - Friday, November 14, 1997 at 17:38:14 (EST)

James R. McMichael <jmcmichael@airmail.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 20:57:48 (EST)

Don't spose ya got any pics of... The Robert St Arts Lab... The Shrubb Family Commune... The Global Village Trucking Co... The Plumpton Pop Festival... Hawkwind at the Ils of White... Middle Earth... Free gigs at Portobello... Release at Elgin Ave... Stones Gig at Hyde Park...

Bazza Bizzare <thelocal@hypermax.net.au>
Brisbane, Qld Australia - Wednesday, November 12, 1997 at 06:38:20 (EST)

WOW!! Fantastic site. I've been a regular visitor to the
Peter Blegvad pages (although they don't change) and have
seen Malcolm Humes name mentioned in some of my other
favourites but I only found these whilst searching for a
Richard Branson/V2 site (no luck). Many of the names/bands
in these glorious pages are known to me, although I was only
10 at the time they were taken (I got interested in some of
them through early Virgin releases in 2nd hand bins later
in the 70's). It's terrific to see a great period in English
music so well documented.
to see

=philt= <pturnbul@acnielsen.com.au>
Thirroul, NSW Australia - Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 01:43:46 (EST)

This is great!! I love your shots of Johnny Winter.

Mary <Casper4336@aol.com>
Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 12:55:55 (EST)

Great to find a someone who still remembers the fairies!!

PaulG <Paul@powercell.post.demon.co.uk>
wolverhampton, england - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 03:02:45 (EST)

John H. Marsha
- Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 02:06:38 (EST)

Jeff Dexter <dexter@netcomuk.co.uk>
London, Y UK - Tuesday, October 28, 1997 at 17:38:39 (EST)

I've seen some of your other pages, there Great!!!
Keep Sending the good pic's !!!!

Jess <deville@empire-sp.com>
hazleton, pa U. S. - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 17:52:51 (EST)

I was named after a white puddle, I am 13! Who were you named after? I love snakes! I am with a friend right now on her computer. Her name is Jackie Endsley!

Lola Mahorski
Boulder, CO Boulder - Sunday, October 26, 1997 at 13:41:02 (EST)

Out of my head just got Space Ritual cd
All the best

UK - Thursday, October 23, 1997 at 10:31:34 (EDT)

Thanks for the pix of Derek, my friend Joly told me of your website. I was Derek's "Personal Assistant" at Warners/WEA, London, back in the early 70's and love/d him dearly. He had a brilliant sense of humour and gave me a unique perspective on life! May he rest in peace. I will always keep a very special place for him in my heart.

Mandi <Mandra212@aol.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 12:15:01 (EDT)

halifax, canada - Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 03:30:20 (EDT)

Fantastic site! If there's anyone out there who was around
the Portobello/Friends scene in 69/70, I'm trying to locate film-makers Stephen Warwick, Ricky Blears, Jodi Routh and Rosalind Pearce. They had an office at 305 Portobello Road. Please e-mail me if you know how I can contact them. Thanks!

pubrocker <pubrocker@bigfoot.com>
London, England - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 15:50:42 (EDT)

HAWKWIND my escape when life gets to crazy !
I like nothing better than a wild ride away from this world
for awhile, I also enjoy the stories of Elric and Stormbringer

HAWKWIND fan til the end !!!!

Jesse J. Collinsworth <Twilight@daccess.net>
Starke, FL USA - Saturday, October 18, 1997 at 21:06:34 (EDT)

as a traveler/on the scene in europe/mid east and u.s.a.
from 66 to now, not so much now as then, involved with the arts lab, booklet free london, oz etc it's nice to find this site,
may be a lost a found page to find old friends or just swap info and rants
I still visit Amsterdam regular
every two months
you can always find me at the old church coffe shop
or at the billy klitzer in antwerp
where are all you freaks that i met traveling
and of course the old oxford lot
including howard m & steve a
thanks for all the good times spent helping you to research
your book steve
anybody remember free london
which abbie stole for his book
which no one minded
love and flowers
barry fitton

Barry Fitton <barry@barryanne.demon.co.uk>
Rochdale, lancs england - Friday, October 17, 1997 at 20:52:12 (EDT)

There is a lot less hair on my head and what is left is very grey but back in the early seventies I managed to catch Hawkwind, Yes, the Pink Fairies, Gong and many others at gigs and free festivals. So it is a real treat to find your web site and to relive those happy memories. The photos of Hawkwind look as of they were taken yesterday.
I wonder what Bob Calvert would have made of the WWW, and the searches in space are gathering momentum too with pictures from the Hubble telescope stirring up the imagination.

Glad to know you old hippies are still out there.

Ben <fh18@dial.pipex.com>
- Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 21:02:30 (EDT)

Fuck, Matthew gave me some hints but contact is all so you will all just have to see which world I hit, its tough to rebel with all this behind you, still being part is most important. look after your selves and get in contact phil, I just thought you had pissed around with this internet stuff, rather you have done something worthwhile with it and made some serious service to history.

I dont always say when I am impressed.

Owen Synge <oms101@york.ac.uk>
- Thursday, October 16, 1997 at 08:14:49 (EDT)


AMY BERGER <remy222@aol.com>
MIAMI BEACH, FL - Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 04:21:30 (EDT)

i'm doing a speech on Abbie and i found a lot of your information useful...thanks!!!

Katy Wilson <wilsonc@mcnet.marietta.edu>
Marietta, OH USA - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 21:03:15 (EDT)

John R. O'Shea <jroshea@gte.net>
- Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 06:12:40 (EDT)

Hi there, Phil you old rogue. Just had a quick look around and will come back. The background to this page is totlally unreadable - blue on blue with a little pink!

lotsalove wherever you are

Alan Marcuson <alanmarcuson@msn.com>
London, England - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 13:34:01 (EDT)

Thanks Uncle Phil,

My life was empty and hollow until I found this place in cyberspace. Now I feel satisfied, fulfilled, finally my life is complete!

Michael Dudley <dudleyml@aol.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, October 03, 1997 at 01:59:42 (EDT)

No comments at this time

Jerome <bdxt30a@prodigy.com>
New Windsor, NY USA - Thursday, October 02, 1997 at 09:16:06 (EDT)

Electra <electragoth@hotmail.com>
Placentia, Ca USA - Monday, September 29, 1997 at 22:56:27 (EDT)


Antonio e Franco <treeffe@infogarda.com>
GARDA, VR ITALIA - Saturday, September 27, 1997 at 08:58:20 (EDT)


I stumbled upon this sight as I was trying to find info. for a school report! What luck! I love it. I've been a fan of this kind of music since birth. I'm only 15, but very "dead-icated."
Thanks for providing such a site!!!

Lindsay <chinadoll80@hotmail.com>
wales, wi U.S. - Thursday, September 25, 1997 at 13:23:15 (EDT)

Thanks for the kind words about Derek Taylor, once my employer and forever my friend. He was, above all else, a true "magical mystery," and the pages of wonderful prose he never had a chance to write will sadly go unread.

Rod McLean Barken <wineluvr@mindspring.com>
Fort Lauderdale, FL - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 13:23:28 (EDT)

Nice set of pages. As requested left the material where it is.

Steve <steves@onyxnet.co.uk>
Warwick, uk - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 11:37:20 (EDT)

Nice to see Nik without the warpaint -- the tux was definitely a nice touch. The years have been harsh to Lemmy, eh?

Rodney Hart <difonix@zorro.net>
Grass Valley, CA USofA - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 23:21:18 (EDT)

Phil, Brillant and Excellent!! I recently started surfing the net.
I have been a long time fan of Hawkind,Gong,Steve Hillage since the early 70's. I was introduce to them via la trance one night from a British mate back in 74-76.
I still have all the original vinly LP's from them plus more..The first Hawkwind Lp under Sunset Records (my favorite track "Hurry on Sundown")... I left Britain in 1976 after following these groups throughout the summer (Hottest summer in 11 years there), I was based in Oxford at the time and every chance I had I searched and went to their concerts & gigs. I returned to the shores again from 86-93. Seems that the Hawklords were giging elsewhere and nothing heard from Gong, and Hillage, very disappointing. I remember back in 76 upon return theses shores that I went about telling all friends about these groups and kept an eye out for gigs. At one time Hawkwind play somewhere in Arizona which I missed. But, feedback from around said the gig sound system was bad, equipment didn't arrive or misplaced (mmm, sounds like the same problem for Golden Earring in Oklahoma back in 73)... the truth was that certain people (groups) were not ready for this type of music and made sure that the gigs were a failure?????? Anyway, enough of this chat for now, more stories to come later. Just happy to know that these groups are alive and kicking it again or still pressing forward. The only problem I have is all the gigs are eastcoast or westcoast or two states away... Funny when I did live in those areas nothing was happening then. For now, since the web has brought me me back closer to these groups, will do. Phil, thanks for the review of those excellent share of photos. As for gigs around here, I know some owners that I might be able to have them book some real gigs here...
As Steve Hillage says "Onwards and Upwards"

FRANCISCO "CISCO KID" COLON <ColonF@carson-dpw.army.mil>
Colorado Springss, Co USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 14:37:32 (EDT)

HEYSOOS KREESTOH PHIL! I guess it has been a while.
I really have to be honest here (not really but I will anyway). I need to budget about an hour out of each day just to spend at this site. Can't you just see it? Mr. Doobie wandering the halls of the virtual '60s totally baked? It's a thought! OOOPs sorry, gotta go. Elvis wants me to check out something on T.V.
Heh heh heh.

Billy <billy@mrdoobie.com>
Burlington, WA U.S.A. - Monday, September 15, 1997 at 21:20:21 (EDT)



Rachel Blum <rachblum@aol.com>
reisterstown, MD USA - Monday, September 15, 1997 at 19:42:41 (EDT)

great hawkwind site! thanks

Patrick Kurz <katpurz@aol.com>
greenville, sc - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 18:57:38 (EDT)

LUSBY, MMMM USA - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 16:47:58 (EDT)

Nice Poodles You Have Here!
Anyhow, where are those Gong's Camembert Electrique pictures?
We've been waiting (me and my rotweiler) sooooo long!
Got any photos of Lynn Carey?
(Remember Mama Lion? Those album covers! Sneeze!)
I have a brown banana on my lap.

Julvi Hevonen <julvi@freenet.hut.fi>
Hell-sinkinī, Fine-land? - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 16:31:45 (EDT)

Phil, I'm also a photog and have already gained a great respect for you, from the few images (Zappa, Woody Allen) of yours that I have seen. You are a lot closer to Henri Cartier-Bressan (I know I f.u.the spelling), than you give yourself credit for. Hey man your work and site is freakin' umbelievably cool!! Kudos to Malcolm Humes! I shot Zappa once onstage during a show - got a couple of great expressions. Also shot: Daveid Allen, Miles, Percy Heath, Bill Evans, Fred Frith, and others I can't remember right now.
THANK YOU for the effort you have put forth.

Alex Lippisch <alex_lippisch@mcdadv.com>
Beverly, MA USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 23:38:45 (EDT)

what a strange world we live in!
viva la zappa!

rudi adlmayer
sydney, australia - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 00:38:52 (EDT)

frank zappa is heaps cool

sydney, australia - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 00:34:46 (EDT)

I Could hardly believe that anyone who lived through those hazy crazy times could even be still alive let alone putting this on the net and even remembering them... I have many fond memories of the caring and sharing that happened all those years ago. I believe that the record " Never Never Land" which was and still is my favorite record of all time...
The Roundhouse gigs... the Portobello scene... Uncle Harry's Last Freak-out.....woaw! the screens starting to go all fuzzy... ahhhhh! no... not another flashback...

Bazza Bizzar <thelocal@hypermax.net.au>
Q Australia - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 09:48:03 (EDT)

Nice page! But when do we see Johnny or Edgar here in Finland???
Here is many of us waitin that day, until it happend!!!

Kannoston Janne <jkannosto@hotmail.com>
Helsinki, Finland - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 02:38:51 (EDT)

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 10:20:01 (EDT)

Lindsay Caudill <lpcaud1@pop.uky.edu>
Sassafras, KY United States - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 10:57:44 (EDT)

Hi phil + lola from all the perrys love your web sites hope to hear from you soon, do you have any more zappa pics ? See you in Druidston next easter or summer.
By the way we loved Lola's birthday pictures
love and kisses the Perrys

Mark James silvia and Sarah Perry from Druidston <perry@msn.com>
brecon, uk wales - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 15:13:06 (EDT)

ste <joesgarage@u-net.com>
runcorn, england - Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 13:07:39 (EDT)

lovely memories. sad that I didn't get to see stonehenge standing free, by the time I got there to take my own photos it was only to be viewed in highly gov't controlled doses.

Barb Byro <barb@spacelab.net>
NY, NY USA - Friday, August 29, 1997 at 20:18:29 (EDT)

now I feel very happy! (whi not) saluti a tutti i buummiati!

sbrax al batrax jr. <ah ! (?)>
rome, itallia - Wednesday, August 27, 1997 at 14:57:57 (EDT)

Grate site, with some Grate pics-
Thanks, (~)8) KLIFF

KLIFF <awcliffy@aol.com>
IL USA - Sunday, August 24, 1997 at 22:47:54 (EDT)

Hello Phil

I'm recording at Mark's at the moment. I told him that you had a picture of me and Gerry, which he gave to me, on your web site. Unfortunately, we can't find it!

Hasta la vista
Lady June

LadyJune <ladyjune@musart.net>
Deya, Majorca - Tuesday, August 19, 1997 at 16:37:14 (EDT)

Terrific picures of Johnny Winter (also Edgar in one of them).

Jim McMichael <jmcmicha@erols.com>
Vienna, Va USA - Sunday, August 17, 1997 at 19:59:46 (EDT)

Great page.
Congratulations !!!

Joan Oriol <txon@hotmail.com>
Tuebingen, BW Germany - Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 11:40:39 (EDT)

Hi there! What a great site! I spent hours surfing it. How about doing some more HAWKWIND pics for their new album? Keep up the good work, CHEERS MAN!

Neil Price
Porthcawl, Wales, U.K. - Thursday, August 14, 1997 at 09:21:35 (EDT)

WOW...JUST W-O-W!!!!!!!

Marcus Ekblom <mekblom@quikpage.com>
Minneapolis, MN U.S.A. - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 18:59:45 (EDT)

- Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 07:57:03 (EDT)

Nice try....but the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, aka, Freewheelin' Franklin, Phineas T. Freakears, and Fat Freddy Freakowski, are not the creation of Robert Crumb. They are the creation of Gilbert Shelton! You had better get your facts straight before you make them public.

Morkey Snort <oreves@vegas.infi.net>
Las Vegas , NV USA - Sunday, August 10, 1997 at 00:36:16 (EDT)

["Thanks" Mr. Snort, we've changed it, no offence meant to Gilbert Shelton! - philm]

Finally -- somewhere one can say Pink Fairies without getting stared at alot. Tanx.

CA USA - Friday, August 08, 1997 at 11:18:46 (EDT)

Great story about the Yes Album cover, and all these years I thought it so "planned."

Lee Abrams <LeeSound@aol.com>
Dallas, TX US of A - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 21:48:26 (EDT)

thanks for putting all of this great material together. the quality is amazing. i see my old life flashing before me with shadows and old loves and old friends. people i haven't seen in 20 years and i'm having a great time. still looking for truxie (jonathan price) and gina cioffi.

kate moon <walk2@msn.com>
portland, ME usa - Thursday, August 07, 1997 at 00:49:12 (EDT)

A couple of deadheads surfin around, really enjoyed the pix. Quite rare!

Jaybee and Rock <Gracehoff@aol.com>
Durham, NC US of A - Monday, August 04, 1997 at 22:45:47 (EDT)

DocJon <DocJon@aol.com>
USA - Monday, August 04, 1997 at 12:06:40 (EDT)

Great Page!!! Here's a trivia-like question I was hoping someone could answer. Many years ago I was experimenting with recording things backwards and had noticed FZ used this technique in many early albums. After unreversing as many segments that I could recognise I heard a few references to a "'39 Chevy"(in one case accompanied by the sound of screeching tires and breaking glass). I also remember an obscure episode of the 1960's TV show "The Monkees" were Mike Neismith and FZ impersonated one-an-other and MN(pretending to be FZ) smashed a '39 Chev with a sledge hammer.....The question is What the hell is the story behind the '39 Chev???????

Mike Marschmeyer <mick@mail.compmore.net>
Kanata, On Canada - Saturday, August 02, 1997 at 23:22:31 (EDT)

hi uncle phil, i am a photographer too and one of my first photos has been Frank Zappa, a real suelte gentleman, greating from berlin

Ilse Ruppert <ilseruppert@bln.de>
berlin, Germany - Saturday, August 02, 1997 at 17:54:45 (EDT)

jeff swick <ss216@sympatico.ca>
saskatoon, sk canada - Saturday, August 02, 1997 at 14:08:46 (EDT)

The Yes Album was the first exposure I ever had to Yes. Thought it was the coolest thing I had ever heard.

John Parkinson <halcon@arn.net>
Amarillo, Tx usa - Thursday, July 31, 1997 at 20:50:31 (EDT)

any chance of doing more photos of hawkwind for future albums? anyway, enjoyed the hawkwind interviews, and keep up the good work. cheers man!

neil price
wales. u.k. - Monday, July 28, 1997 at 07:44:34 (EDT)

Dave Wosik and Jim Odell
- Saturday, July 26, 1997 at 19:39:03 (EDT)

david gorman <curly@ecn.net.au>
brisbane, qld australia - Wednesday, July 23, 1997 at 13:39:23 (EDT)

Thanks for nice page. I will be back for more so have book-marked you for now. Have sent you a personal e-mail.



Paul Burchell <optics@kbnet.co.uk>
Biggleswade ! , Beds England - Monday, July 21, 1997 at 18:39:10 (EDT)

Preciosas imágenes... Me encantaron!!! Un abrazo.

paco hernández <pacohernandez@distrito.com>
Murcia, Spain - Sunday, July 20, 1997 at 21:59:46 (EDT)

Dexter <dexter@netcomuk.co.uk>
London, Albion - Wednesday, July 16, 1997 at 16:38:17 (EDT)

How can it be that Liberace has been gone for more than a decade. Looking at your pictures reminded me of the many times I saw him in concert during the 1950s and 1960s. Following each performance, after a shower and change of clothes, Lee always stayed to sign autographs. He was always courteous, kind and gracious. Whatever he was, he was a good man, a person liked very much by those with whom he worked.
I'll always remember his first Hollywood Bowl appearance. I rode on a bus from St. George, Utah to Los Angeles to see that concert. He didn't disappoint: He wore a white tuxedo for the first time, awing the crowd. Dresswise, it was all downhill after that.
Lee had heart and soul, which he could express superbly in his music. Regretably, his musicianship didn't get better as he grew older. Some of his early recordings (e.g., "Velvet Moon" and "It's Shadow Time," both on Decca, had none of the "keyboardnastics" of his later recordings. They were beautiful and elegant and stylish.
I miss Lee's music and showmanship, but what I remember best about Liberace is what Groucho Marx referred to as his "innate goodness," which your pictures brought to my mind. He was a good guy and I wish he had stuck around a little longer.
Dr. G

Hugh Glenn <Dr.HughGlenn@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Wednesday, July 16, 1997 at 03:29:08 (EDT)

Phil, Thanks for the Ten Years After photos. This is truly a great place for Rock history. I also love the shot of Johnny Winter Playing his bad thing as well, BLUES POWER!

Frank Charles <frankc@lsil.com>
- Tuesday, July 15, 1997 at 17:27:01 (EDT)

Dear Freax,

I haven't read anything yet, but I'm swept off my feet already.
Great site!

Annemiek van Grondel <avgrond@xs4all.nl>
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 07:51:38 (EDT)

loved gong since '72!! nice page!

nymo <nymorusty@m140.aone.net.au>
coolum beach, q australia - Friday, July 11, 1997 at 07:57:43 (EDT)

Cool site. Always remember, Rod Stewart is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Shame?), the Hawks aren't.
Think about that if you ever have the urge to visit
Later, fellow Travelers.

Richard Worth <tifosi@mindspring.com>
Dickinson, TX usa - Thursday, July 10, 1997 at 20:28:44 (EDT)

a-b-c-d-l-s-d Robert Calvert's chasing me!

Paul Khammar <leprechaun4@hotmail.com>
Toms River, NJ USA - Thursday, July 03, 1997 at 18:32:03 (EDT)

Very interesting, brilliant pix etc. Especially loved bits on Friends/Frendz and Pink Fairies as I have a particular interest in British 60s and 70s underground newspapers and so on.

Richard Deakin <s9412093@chelt.ac.uk>
Cheltenham, England - Wednesday, July 02, 1997 at 07:10:06 (EDT)

your never alone on the net
as for flashbacks it was more like a heavy fog in those days
grant me one more day and i will leave the world to you

arthur <artjsay@gvn.net>
west sacramento, ca usa - Tuesday, July 01, 1997 at 23:30:50 (EDT)

we are Beyond-o-matic manipulators of space and awake time. Hawkwind has touched our fabric, and the bass waves did shake the mortar of the bricks. Space is solid.

stenzo <stenzo@jamaelot.com>
S.F., CA U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 01, 1997 at 03:41:59 (EDT)

I am a great fan of the Bonzo Dog Band, and Vivian Stanshall...YES!

Kjell "Hassan"
Norway - Saturday, June 28, 1997 at 19:24:27 (EDT)

Hey, Uncle Phil. Glad to see you online!

Sandy <wisergast@aol.com>
Tulsa, OK God's - Friday, June 27, 1997 at 11:35:34 (EDT)

TO COOL,I enjoyed it


Ray <hippieray@cafes.net>
Shelbyville, Tn US - Sunday, June 22, 1997 at 18:52:11 (EDT)

gravy booby, fucking farout and elbow my tit!

twink <xs4all@orbits.demon.co.uk>
Cambridge, uk - Thursday, June 19, 1997 at 11:53:43 (EDT)

(Mr. Cecil P. Trumpington of Colchester, UK would like us to make it clear that the above "twink" is not "Twink" of the Pink Fairies, the Pretty Things etc.)

Hmmmm Memory's Of the gig's in Bristol So long Ago Nothing is like the sound of Hawkwind. And Never Will be. Well time To stop rembering And Just Say May The Ship keep Flying.
And The Captain At the Helm
[Bowing] Puppet(V)aster
[Watching The Silver Ship Pass over Head, Leaving it's Long shadow Across The land]

Puppet(V)aster <puppetpower@hotmail.com>
Cardiff, England - Wednesday, June 18, 1997 at 19:42:14 (EDT)

Elton John is the best rock-n-roll pianist EVER!! I am only 17 years old, and have collected MANY Elton John things in only a year or so.

Cory <CoryB1234@aol.com>
Grand Forks, ND USA - Wednesday, June 18, 1997 at 13:25:50 (EDT)

[Unca Philm says, "Just respect copyright kid!" :-)]

I've been a fan since the early 70's (I don't remember the year!!) and I'm still a HUGE fan. I was blessed to have been front row center at Hawkwinds' 1st gig/1st tour of the states. (Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA)

Dave Hoffer <pangster@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, June 18, 1997 at 10:48:52 (EDT)

Do you do documentaries? Any suggestions for a college student?

Emily Amarnick <Calypso@icdc.com>
Broomall, PA usa - Monday, June 16, 1997 at 23:21:32 (EDT)

Arnold Bresch <wariat@polbox.com>
Poznan, Poland - Sunday, June 15, 1997 at 17:00:48 (EDT)

Hey I just kind of discovered Yes...I'm a youngen..anyway they are cool and i like this site!! Keep up the good work!


Smiley-grrl <fireflies1@hotmail.com>
IL - Saturday, June 14, 1997 at 10:28:52 (EDT)

much suprised to see my yesterday's in the moment. The dance never stops. lookin to dance with beings in recreating a balanced image of that wild and truthful mirror that was the 60's.blessings & don't wipe the smile off your nose.
Harvey Job Matusow--ANTI-MATTER
E Mail: scattv@inquo.net

Harvey Job Matusow <scattv@inquo.net>
Glenwood, UT USA - Thursday, June 12, 1997 at 20:45:16 (EDT)

Great Page! Love the ZAPPA pics - wish you had more!

gary owen drechsel <garyod@ptd.net>
stroudsburg, pa usa - Saturday, June 07, 1997 at 09:06:44 (EDT)

It's the first time I've been in your planet. It's cool. Have you got subversive comix stuff?

peterson peterson.
Pminsk-south, Pminsk - Thursday, June 05, 1997 at 19:50:47 (EDT)

I 'saw' Hawkwind at Stonehenge Free Festival 1984 and beyond,
anyone got any pictures of them there for our websites???


george <dicegeorge@geocities.com>
london, un london - Wednesday, June 04, 1997 at 22:54:34 (EDT)

i used to self-medicate. i now do BID of lithium. i still feel the moods, but its O.K.. life is good.

sciandra <ars_photo@geocities.com>
jax, fl usa - Tuesday, June 03, 1997 at 16:02:09 (EDT)

The visit to this website was my first. I am impressed very much by the photography and it was an exciting first visit. I hope to see you in England again in the Summer. I send all my love to you and Lola.

Gillian Bennett
Bristol, England - Tuesday, June 03, 1997 at 13:55:22 (EDT)

True Meaning of Life, Sex,Drugs & R&R....Abbie we need you now more than ever!

Joe McGary <jamcgary@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 25, 1997 at 06:51:28 (EDT)

Was good fun finding out some people care enough about true
originality to build websites and passing on the chronicles
of valiant past (and still ongoing) efforts to bring excellence
and integrity to next generations.

giorgio gomelsky

Giorgio Gomelsky <gio1@interport.net>
New York, nny US - Sunday, May 25, 1997 at 05:48:29 (EDT)

I came to this site via a Hatfield and the North page and I am pleased to have unexpectedly found it. It is good to see clear and composed photographs of Zappa and the one of Vivian Stanshall. As I went through the various pages I almost felt as if I were 17 again. A good time. I shall return often for this is a (i) fun and (ii) "interesting and/or beautiful" (Zappa) site. I am interested to see how the pages will be updated and "grow". Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Charles Ludwig <NooseRat@aol.com>
Ca USA - Saturday, May 24, 1997 at 02:29:43 (EDT)

Anyone remember the Great Windsor Free Festivals?Did ya seen Hawkwind do their stuff?Great wasn't it so were a lot of other things(50p each then).Thanks Hawkwind for all the good times especially the IT party for that was when I first discovered Deke Lenoards IceBerg.I opened my wide eyes even more and there was MAN.Shit what a band they are still on the road and you are missing out on something very special if you don't go and blow your self away.Thanks Deke.Love you all.Still missing John Cipollina and Uncle Frank.

Dave <d.mclean@ukonline.co.uk>
uk - Friday, May 23, 1997 at 14:45:48 (EDT)

I miss Frank Zappa. Cool images man, I'll be back.

Jeff Dover <jdover@ix.netcom.com>
Kansas City, MMMo USA - Tuesday, May 20, 1997 at 18:45:25 (EDT)

Darren Harper <DJ@feeding.com>
Denver, Co. usa - Monday, May 19, 1997 at 21:54:49 (EDT)

This has really made my day and led not just to lots of flash backs but also to accessing a hawkwing site set up by one of my best frendz who I's sort of lost touch with.

So thanks and if anyone is going to Glastonbury or tribal Gathering, let me know if you want to meet up!
Thanks again

Pete Collins <RachelMcLean@compuserve.com>
Birmingham, England - Sunday, May 18, 1997 at 16:17:32 (EDT)

Dear Robert:

How are you? Would you please be kind enough to send me the email address of Germaine Greer?

Darlene Alva Grierson <dagrierson@mail.acilink.net>
Lexington Park, MD USA - Saturday, May 17, 1997 at 22:32:41 (EDT)

Don't Forget To SMILE!!! ;-)

Sasha Jade Azevedo <AZEVEDO@worldnet.att.net>
Charleston, SC USA - Saturday, May 17, 1997 at 21:30:04 (EDT)

he, awsome things of the who, i am a fan for many years.
i am looking for some who bootlegs, is there anybody who have some bootlegs for sale
please let me know.

j riezebeek <jriez@freemail.nl>
zwolle, holland - Friday, May 16, 1997 at 05:05:13 (EDT)

Never before seen photos of Liberace. Neet stuff.

Karl Johnson <kjohnson@Pimacc.edu>
Tucson, az - Thursday, May 15, 1997 at 17:06:44 (EDT)

Outstanding Work. I've been a Bonzo Dog Fan for eons.
Zappa is also a favorite. Unfortunately there aren't many of us old Freakazoids left!
Peace, Love, Dope!

Dan Matthews <Oysterboys@MSN.COM>
Rochester, IL USA - Monday, May 05, 1997 at 11:06:25 (EDT)

If u could add more info about hoffman's later life...

Jill Gerodias <jgerodias@scuacc.scu.edu>
Santa Clara, CA USA - Tuesday, April 29, 1997 at 16:17:47 (EDT)

Thanx for the latest visit to my Gbook! You're still one the best sites on my links page. Interesting changes around here! Keep up the good work!

Betti <BB909@aol.com>
MD USA - Sunday, April 27, 1997 at 10:38:04 (EDT)

Your guys have the coolest picture of Roger Daltrey I have seen yet!!!!!

Dr. Jimmy <jimmydr@hotmail.com>
Plattsburgh, NY USA - Saturday, April 26, 1997 at 17:37:57 (EDT)

Jay McNally <JMc9629>
ga USA - Friday, April 25, 1997 at 00:20:56 (EDT)

awesome to find the pink faries on the net!!!

Peter Gundry <petergun@xtra.co.nz>
New Zealand - Wednesday, April 23, 1997 at 06:38:01 (EDT)

Hawkwind have been my favourite live band for years, so I am glad to see any photos/archive material etc on them.

[a blinking gif!!!]

I used to go see them live when I was living in London. I have some great (swirly/hazy) memories of live shows in the hammersmith odeon, reading festival, glastonbury and particularly the psychedelic all-dayer in finsbury park in ('87?).

jimmy mc laughlin <jgmclaug@math.uiuc.edu>
(presently)Urbana, IL USA - Saturday, April 19, 1997 at 07:37:42 (EDT)

I will finally get to see Hawkwind later this year when they tour here later this year. Before that I only had pictures taken by blokes like you who captured their spirits for all to enjoy. The captain may be dead but the spaceship will continue forever.

Phil Miller <philmill@netcon.net.au>
Gisborne, Vic Australia - Friday, April 18, 1997 at 09:36:45 (EDT)

what we need is more weird pscyed out sort of stuff maybe ?

terry <td@plym.ac.uk.>
plymouth, england - Friday, April 18, 1997 at 08:35:56 (EDT)

Can't get enough of the Dead. The images are great, the links are also very cool. Wonderful format. I would love to see more old Grateful Dead shots. Keep up the page will promise to visit often.

Jerry Medvedeff <jmedvede@ix.netcom.com>
coral springs, fl US of A - Friday, April 18, 1997 at 05:27:08 (EDT)

Cool side. Gong RULES..

Karl Dag Gursli <moondog@yoda.hsr.no>
Stavanger, STV Norway - Thursday, April 17, 1997 at 11:46:21 (EDT)

Great page! Have any King Crimson photos?

phil toudic <none@no.com>
Lafayette, CA USA - Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 14:41:47 (EDT)

Great site! Mind if I put a link to yours on my Grateful Dread page? Stop by anytime.

N.R. Davis <ndavis@smart.net>
Baltimore, MD usa - Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 11:35:49 (EDT)

Sigh. I really love this site and it's flashbacks and musings of a different time. Even if Phil is a tease.

Toni Franklin <ttoni@ix.netcom.com>
Santa Clarita, CA USA - Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 11:23:59 (EDT)

Great site - wish I had more time to check it out. But I will... soon.

Anyone know of any good Beat sites (other than www.beatbooks.demon.co.uk - which we did) or Charles Bukowski sites?

Mark Broomer <mdb@activ8.net>
London, ? England - Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 05:19:16 (EDT)

greetings from the brother

Florian D. Obermaier <intdec@msn.com>
munich, BY Germany - Sunday, April 13, 1997 at 13:35:15 (EDT)

Do you know how I can get a copy of Daevid's "Good Morning" on CD or cassette?
The tour last year was great, (Did Hillage miss the boat?)

Kevin Purcell <twaits@prodigy.net>
Baltimore, MD North America - Sunday, April 13, 1997 at 08:43:41 (EDT)

andy miles
dunfermline, scotland - Friday, April 11, 1997 at 16:45:50 (EDT)

John Sodini <Sodini_not@MIT.edu>
Boston, MA MA USA - Tuesday, April 08, 1997 at 03:43:17 (EDT)

I'm back because I REALLY like floating through these pages.The ultimate "Feel good" site.What else could you need .... you have Zappa, Hoffman,Warhole.....If there was a Hunter S. Thompson page I don't think I would leave.I'll be back.

Don Womack <Doodah999@aol.com>
Virginia Beach, Va usa - Monday, April 07, 1997 at 15:55:56 (EDT)

Way cool, dad. Pix and cockeyed memo/snipits left me weepy pumped for a time I never even knew.
Pre junked M.T. and a Pink F'rs story I almost B'leve! Kool.

S. Dylan Ison <Seandi@ix.netcom.com>
Alpharetta, GA The U Fuckin' S A, Pal. - Sunday, April 06, 1997 at 22:52:44 (EDT)

greetings to the spacedrifters of hawkwind from the magical freakshow here in stockholm, dragon rouge is the name of our magical order.the captain is inside but sleeping, this is his dream. ho dracon ho megas .bom shiva

zambao and starforce
- Sunday, April 06, 1997 at 11:29:05 (EDT)

Wow, Whatta' Beauty
I reckon I am early for next birthday

Arthur <arthur@shadow.net>
Miami, FL USA - Saturday, April 05, 1997 at 05:49:40 (EST)

I am interested in winning Liberace's Television Set.
Thank You
E. Daniel Ponce

E. Daniel Ponce <edaniel@ix.netcom>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, April 01, 1997 at 00:01:14 (EST)

Andre Bowdry <andre@ameritech.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, March 29, 1997 at 09:05:22 (EST)


KILMARNOCK, OK NEW ZZZ - Friday, March 21, 1997 at 14:25:26 (EST)

Leo Nardo c/o T Design Studio <cosmo2@idt.net>
New York, NY USA - Monday, March 17, 1997 at 22:52:58 (EST)

the space ace is a little behind the times but now if got intenet connection Bzzz. soon i will have acess do hikies hooked up and what not. New pink fairies album? damn
i wish i could get their stuff on cd i'm still listening to my vinlys sheesh.
Good day Bzz...

Nik Price Legendary Space Ace <almost damnit>
canton, mi UUU>ss.s-aaAA - Monday, March 17, 1997 at 13:27:32 (EST)

Quite a spiffy looking page. Some of it is a little hard to read.

Robert Roe <konijn@hotmail.com>
Indianacity, IN USA - Saturday, March 15, 1997 at 11:56:23 (EST)

This site is cool....
They Yippie Pieman....

Aron Kay <pieman@queenbee.net>
NYC, Woodstock Nation - Friday, March 14, 1997 at 06:29:21 (EST)

This site is rather interesting...Yippie!
Aron Kay-yippie! pieman

Aron Kay <pieman@queenbee.net>
nyc, usa - Friday, March 14, 1997 at 06:25:16 (EST)

Link me. Be kind.

Don Womack <Doodah999@aol.com>
Virginia Beach, va usa - Thursday, March 13, 1997 at 08:21:43 (EST)

This cyber-novice can't get enough FZ info. I'm a 43 year old mom of 4 who misses him so much. It's great to see how many really loved him. Thanx for the efforts.

Linda DeAngelo <drwho@mcs.com>
Highland Park, IL USA - Wednesday, March 12, 1997 at 14:53:00 (EST)

Well, what can one say. The impervious nature of Mr. Stanshall will always leave me blessed and rewarded, and anybody who has the good sense (Good Sense?!) to record any of his comings and goings, his haves and have nots, his traumas and tribulations, his preternatural uniqueness has got to be admired.
Therefore I vote you "Man of the Week", at least for now. As Spike Milligan once said appropos of nothing at all: "Everybody's got to be somewhere."
I hope this answers your question.
Love, etc.
P.S. Miss Mr. Stanshall.
P.P.S. Sounds like a Bonzo title that.

Nicholas Downey <ndowney@village.ios.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, March 12, 1997 at 02:54:03 (EST)

Jim Stoddard <jaime@sanasys.com>
Clinton, IA USA - Saturday, March 08, 1997 at 01:59:09 (EST)

Fascinating site. I shall have to return next time you update! In the mean time, why not stop by MY Universe. Sign my guestbook, leave a link!

Betti's ALternate Universe <bb909@aol.com>
MD USA - Friday, March 07, 1997 at 11:44:40 (EST)

Im happy 2c the pigs of uranus and all their fellow europeans finally recieving the royal homage they all deserve-THANKYOU!!!

3D Dan <odonata@TheRamp.net>
Lombard, Il usa - Saturday, March 01, 1997 at 13:34:42 (EST)

Still listening to the best concert I ever went to - Xmas 1972 Hawkwind at Sundown Brixton - I can still hear my stamping as the record fades out........

We took the wrong turn years ago

Steve <steve@nolannet.force9.net>
London, England - Monday, February 24, 1997 at 17:30:37 (EST)

The Roundhouse was a super cool place to play in the 60's and the 70's. Country Joe and The Fish played with the Liverpool Poets and a light show in 1966 being the first US Rock Band to do so. It was always like a version of the Fillmore and Avalon Ballroom in London. Cheers, Country Joe McDonald and all you English people check out my tribute to Florence Nightingale page at http://www.countryjoe.com/nightingale

Country Joe McDonald <cj@countryjoe.com>
Berkeley, CA USA - Sunday, February 23, 1997 at 12:45:03 (EST)

Does the state of Calif still have those castration laws
against Gay men and sex offenders. Can they force someone
to be castrated??

Steven Aldea <Marines2@Worldnet.att.net>
- Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 15:19:58 (EST)

cool page!

steve south <deadhead@mhv.net>
Modena, Ny USA - Tuesday, February 11, 1997 at 17:14:46 (EST)

Well, this is really something thought it all burnt out years ago but it must have been in the back brain all along
- cheers mate!

Joe Cliff <JJCliff@uk.pi.net>
Wales - Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 17:27:14 (EST)

ah! it might be mightier than the writ! but is the digital paintbrush mightier than the baseball bat?

douglas in the jungle <actonium@dial.pipex.com>
london, england - Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 11:13:16 (EST)

[Philm sez he always works with a digital baseball bat behind the door!]

Hey, hello, I am enjoying the photos and the flash backs!
I miss Frank Zappa and his Suzy Creamcheese days. I can tell you do too. Keep me posted. Wonderful sights/site. THANKYOU.

Holly Och (say Oak) <hollyoak@hgo.net>
Wheeling, Wwv America - Saturday, February 01, 1997 at 21:19:35 (EST)

Love the Hawkwind (Nik Turner, Robert Calvert) bit. This is an amazing site! Wish I had more time to explore it, but unfortunately I do not own my own computer. I do have an E-mail address (somewhere)
but I can never get the fucking thing to work. But anyways, I will be making regular stops at your site whenever I get the chance to sail the net.

Darrell Mersey
Oshawa, Ont., Canada - Thursday, January 30, 1997 at 16:11:42 (EST)

Love the page and show up often to look around. Now, i don't mean to, um, nag, but when are we going to get to see your pics of Alvin Lee and Ten Years After?? Pretty please?

toni franklin <ttoni@ix.netcom.com>
santa clarita, ca usa - Friday, January 17, 1997 at 16:20:57 (EST)

Congratulations GUIRI

Manolo "El Teacher" <En el Futuro>
Murcia, El SUR - Friday, January 17, 1997 at 12:04:05 (EST)

Nothing profound to offer for comments, but I have enjoyed your page.
Went looking initially for Frank Zappa related stuff, and found some very neat "stuff" with you. Congrats, it looks like you've spent some time putting together your collection, and it is always nice when someone notices and says so.
I've noticed, and I like what you've done.

Kevin Stebleton

Kevin Stebleton <KStebleton@aol.com>
Madison Heights, MI US - Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 21:13:13 (EST)

Moose liked the interview but he doesn't think he looks anything like Nik Turner - and nor do I.

$id Money

$id Money <c/o gmj@dial.pipex.com>
- Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 14:32:13 (EST)

Loved GONG last year at the Birchmere (Virginia).... When's Daevid Allen and Company going to come to Atlanta?!?

Matthew Flory <MLFlory10@aol.com>
Atlanta, Ga U.S. of A. - Wednesday, January 15, 1997 at 21:17:41 (EST)

[Philm sez check the Gong sites listed on our links page for more info on Gong tours]

pretty damn niffty i havnt seen any recent pictures of nik t lately with out the makeup anyway. i must speak with daevid allen. I SEE what you mean you old hippie. HAWKWIND

Nik Price SO SO SONIK <i wish inka inka do>
canton, mi usa - Monday, January 13, 1997 at 14:14:21 (EST)

must have been dropped from the mail list...hmmm.
just dropped by to make sure there was no sabotage and found some GREAT new stuff. Love the Ronnie Scott layout, also the Bananamoon, 'speciallly the with & without Gary, kinda reminds me of the old Hipgnosis tricks for Pink Floyd etc., pre digital. Great Stonehenge stuff...what a place huh ?

graphicgreg <graphicgreg@flinet.com>
West Palm Beach, FL US of A - Friday, January 10, 1997 at 01:05:26 (EST)

Very nice. I compliment you. I got on the net and I'm looking for my musical taste and its here. All over the place, its my first time and I'm taking a ride on a silver machine to far off planets, with banana moon behind me.

Ted (Tajoe) Berdowski <tajoe@Niagara.com>
thorold, on canada - Thursday, January 09, 1997 at 12:41:00 (EST)


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All Images Copyright © 1969 - 2024 Phil
contact: Phil Franks (freax AT philmfreax DOT com)
Freax Website produced by Malcolm Humes