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Rameses: a mascot's life

Women love him. Men want to be him....

You've seen him roaming the sidelines on football Saturday's. You've seen him dance a jig at the Dean Dome. Heck, you've even seen him go mano a mano with the Duke Blue Devil. But what do you really know about Rameses, the UNC mascot? Yeah, he's a wild and zany guy on the field, but what does he do in his spare time? What are his hobbies? What kind of classes does he take? And most importantly, how does he fare with the ladies?

Well, we got together with the famous Rameses and followed him around the UNC campus for a few days, chronicling every aspect of his life. From the moment Rameses wakes up, to moment he charges into Kenan Stadium, we found that he's just an ordinary, average college student (except for the whole "Ram" thing). That is, of course, until he steps onto the field with thousands and thousands of screaming fans chanting his name....

This is his story.

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