
Lies.... (fwd)

	a list of popular misconceptions......

Christopher Gwyn
5602 Lockridge Rd.
Durham NC 27705-8099 USA
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:03:14 -0500
From: "Neal, Ed" <emneal.ctl@mhs.unc.edu>
To: learn@listserv.oit.unc.edu
Subject: Lies

Steve Gilbert's  11 BIG LIES 
           (about information technology in education)

1. Information Technology is the (easy) answer.
2, Educational uses of information technology are a passing fad.
3. Most worthwhile information is available on the World 
   Wide Web.
4. All that's available on the World Wide Web is 
   disorganized, unverified information.
5. Faculty can be replaced by new applications of 
6. All effective teaching relies on face-to-face
   communication between teacher and student.
7. You'll be satisfied with your personal computer for 
   several years.
8. The newest technology will be easier to use and more 
   reliable than what you're used to.
9. Being there doesn't matter. (Media reductionism.)
10. "Let them eat cake." (Have/have not gap doesn't matter.)
11. "School's out." (Schools, campuses don't matter.)

Ed Neal (ed_neal@unc.edu)
Director of Faculty Development
Center for Teaching and Learning
Campus Box #3470
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3470
    Ph: (919) 966-1289
    Fx: (919) 962-5236
Human history becomes more and
more a race between education and 
catastrophe.  H.G. Wells