
ACLU Press Conf. Online Live

For those who are interested, the ACLU will hold an online press conference
Wednesday following the oral arguments before the Supreme Court. Below are
directions on how to hear it, though we'll probably still be in class when
it happens (about 11:30 a.m.)

You can also get a GIF that will let you know when a decision has been reached.

-- Joey Senat

ACLU Cyber-Liberties Update
                 Monday, March 17, 1997

>* ACLU Goes Live Online March 19
>After Supreme Court Argument in Reno v. ACLU
>Following Supreme Court argument in the first case to address the
>issue of free speech in cyberspace, Reno v. ACLU plaintiffs and
>lawyers will hold a news conference to offer indepth analysis and
>The news conference will be "cybercast" live via RealAudio on the
>World Wide Web, and is scheduled to begin immediately following the
>traditional "Supreme Court steps" press briefing, in which the ACLU
>will also participate. The ACLU is also offering a "GIF"  a
>computeranimated image  that users can post on their own web page
>for instant access to the news conference and comprehensive
>information on Reno v. ACLU.  Viewers will be alerted the instant a
>decision is announced in the case via a change in the GIF picture.
>Press conference to provide analysis of oral arguments in
>Reno v. ACLU, being argued before the Supreme Court at
>10:00 a.m. on March 19.
>Reno v. ACLU lawyers and plaintiffs, including ACLU legal
>director Steven Shapiro, lead counsel Christopher Hansen and attorney
>Ann Beeson; co-counsel David Sobel of the Electronic Privacy
>Information Center; plaintiff Kiyoshi Kuromiya of the Critical Path
>AIDS Project, and others.
>Wednesday, March 19, 1997, 11:30 a.m. (approximate)
>ACLU Washington National Office (directly across from the
>Supreme Court) 122 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC.
>Online: http://www.aclu.org/issues/cyber/trial/appeal.html and
>http://www.epic.org/cda/ Technical assistance in arranging the
>cybercast is being provided by Digex, a leading Internet carrier
>Details on cybercast and GIF Audio of the ACLU News Conference, held
>in Washington following the oral argument will be provided courtesy of
>To listen to the news conference on your computer you`ll need the
>RealAudio Player, available free from Progressive Networks.
>* Reno v. ACLU: News Conference Cyber-Cast and GIF Notification
>Instructions on how to participate: In addition to our "Live"
>RealAudio, broadcast of our press conference following the Supreme
>Court oral argument on March 19th, The ACLU Freedom Network web site
>will have complete information on the day of argument and beyond.
>Participants placing our link and .gif image on their pages will have
>instant access to updates & information about the case, including
>notice of a decision in the case by a change in the image. Stay
>informed and show your  support of the fight against Internet
>If you maintain a World Wide Web Page:
>1. Add a link to the ACLU site by cutting and pasting the following
><a href="http://www.aclu.org/issues/cyber/trial/appeal.html">
><imgsrc="http://www.aclu.org/graphics/aclucda.gif" alt="Reno v. ACLU:
>The CDA on Trial" border=0></a>
>2. Tell us you are participating: Send us e-mail at: aclu@aclu.org,
>and we'll keep a list of participating sites.

*       Joey Senat                                          *
*       Doctoral Student                                    *
*       School of Journalism & Mass Communication           *
*       University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill          *
*                                                           *
*       Voice:  (910) 584-6172                              *
*       E-Mail:  jsenat@email.unc.edu                       *
*                                                           *
*       1849 Stratford Road                                 *
*       Burlington, NC   27217                              *
*                                                           *