
Re: WSN: MD of solvation... (fwd)

Sender: raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu (C.S.RAMAN)
Subject: Re: WSN: MD of solvation...

Someone earlier mentioned the program BOSS by Prof. Bill Jorgenson.
BOSS stands for Biochemical and Organic Simulation System and is well
suited for what you are interested in.

You can reach Prof. Jorgenson at the following email address:


C.S.Raman                                 raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu - Internet
UNIX Programming & Administration         70412.2354@compuserve.com - CIS
SPARC & SGI Systems                       raman@hermes.chpc.utexas.edu - CHPC
Department of Biochemistry                c.raman@launchpad.unc.edu
7703 Floyd Curl Dr.                       (210) 567-6623   [Tel]
San Antonio, TX 78284-7760                (210) 567-6595   [Fax]
         If a man's wit be wandering, let him study the Mathematics
                                                            -Francis Bacon   