
Re: WSN: structure, hydrophobicity, and textbooks (fwd)

Sender: Robert_Topper <topper@magnum.cooper.edu>
Subject: Re:  WSN: structure, hydrophobicity, and textbooks

Hi, I suppose you are already aware of this text but I thought I
would mention it to you because it has some interesting (but not
completely up-to-date) things to say about water vis. biology:
Eisenberg and Crothers, Physical Chemistry with Applications to the
Biological Sciences 

It really is a very nice text and may prove a useful point of reference 
as your write your book.

W.r.t. to the "structure" of water, well, seems like this is a research
issue...I will be interested to hear what others have to say.

You need not acknowledge the palty help I have given above - paltry it is.

Good luck and best regards -

Robert Topper

 Prof. Robert Topper
 Department of Chemistry
 The Cooper Union 
  for the Advancement of Science and Art
 Cooper Square
 New York, NY 10003 USA
 topper@cooper.edu            (212) 353-4378
                         FAX: (212) 353-4341
* The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established *
* by Peter Cooper in 1859, is a private institution of higher learning *
* where all students receive full-tuition scholarships.                * 