
Re: WSN: Dieletric constant of water. (fwd)

Sender: anneke@tiber.nist.gov (J M H L Sengers)
Subject: Re:  WSN: Dieletric constant of water.

The dielectric constant of water increases sharply in the temperature
range below the temperature of the density maximum, even though the density
then decreases. This increase persists in the supercooled region.
See, for instance, Bertolini et al., J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3285 (1982).

I do not know anything about the dielectric constant of ice.

If you see a decrease with falling temperature in liquid water, it is
most likely an artifact of your instrument or your sample. Dielectric constant
measurements are very sensitive to water purity. When part of your sample
is frozen, the impurity concentration in the liquid part increases.

Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers
Thermophysics Division
Gaithersburg, MD 20899