
Re: WSN: Solvation (fwd)

Sender: brian@bert.chem.wsu.edu (Brian W. Beck)
Subject: Re: WSN: Solvation

Pieter Stouten wrote:
: parameters. BTW, if anybody wants a copy of my EndNote file with
: solvation-related references (Macintosh format), just drop me a line.
: Cheers, Pieter.

	I'd love to get a copy of your water reference file.
	Typing in references can get really tedious and it
	always helps to get references you might not have.
	Do you think you could put it somewhere accessible so
	that you don't have to separately arrange with all the
	people who might want it. (ie. in an anonymous ftp site)


|   .---------.| Brian W. Beck      |    E-mail Addresses:                  |
|/\ |         ||--------------------|       brian@bert.chem.wsu.edu         |
|| \\     WSU || Biochem/Biophysics |    f0388913@jaguar.csc.wsu.edu        |
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| |           || Pullman, WA        |    VOICE    (509) 335-4083            |
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