Re: Instrumental EN TW plus infinitive

Jim Oxford (
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 08:24:43 -0500

At 8:28 AM 2/5/97, Brian E. Wilson wrote:

>>JIM OXFORD wrote:
>>Can anyone cite an example where the construction EN TW plus the
>>infinitive conveys an instrumental nuance as opposed to a temporal one?
>>What about the construction found in Acts 4.30: EN TW ...EKTEINEIN,
>>would it constitute such an example?
>I agree that EN TW...EKTEINEIN is instrumental - 'by stretching out your
>arm' - in Acts 4.30. Another instance in Acts is in 3.26 - EN TW
>APOSTREFEIN - 'by turning'.

Thanks Brian,

In an Acts seminar I suggested that both of these infinitival constructions
"could" be interpreted in an instrumental manner, though the seminar
participants were not favorably disposed to my suggestion.

