Re: predicate adjectives

Andrew Kulikovsky (
Thu, 06 Feb 1997 18:04:28 +0900

Jonathan Robie wrote:
> Andrew Kulikovsky wrote:
> > But if Paul meant to say "All scripture (that is) divinely-inspired
> > (is) also useful for instruction etc." implying that not every
> > scripture is inspired then why didn't he tell Timothy which
> > ones are inspired and which aren't?
> I believe that GRAFH can refer to any kind of writing, not just scripture,
> can't it? I have been reading GRAFH QEOPNEUSTOS as "inspired writing", i.e.
> scripture. I see this as parallel to TA IERA GRAMMATA in verse 15, so I see
> this as meaning "All divinely-inspired writing [referring to the OT
> scriptures - IERA GRAMMATA] is also useful for instruction etc."
> IERA implies a connection to the temple - the writings found in the temple.
> So there is a perfectly consistent interpretation for the early date approach.
> Jonathan

According to Knight in his commentary on 2 Tim (NIGTC) it is
only used in the NT for holy scripture. He references BAGD
and TDNT to support his claim.


+--------------------------------------------------------------------- | Andrew S. Kulikovsky B.App.Sc(Hons) MACS | | Software Engineer (CelsiusTech Australia) | & Theology Student (MA - Pacific College) | Adelaide, Australia | ph: +618 8281 0919 fax: +618 8281 6231 | email: | | Check out my Biblical Hermeneutics web page: | | | What's the point of gaining everything this world has | to offer, if you lose your own life in the end? | | ...Look to Jesus Christ | | hO IESOUS KURIOS! +---------------------------------------------------------------------