Re: John 15:4 MEINATE EN EMOI?

Carl W. Conrad (
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:39:58 -0600

At 8:00 AM -0600 2/28/97, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

> What is involved here is the

>fundamental and recurrent Johannine usage of MENW and its cognate

>(Elizabethan English "mansion") to give expression to the notion of
what I

>like to call "mutual indwelling." It's worth looking at what Raymond

>has to say on MENW (and other verbs too, for that matter) in the

>to the second volume of his Anchor commentary on John's gospel.

Sorry, that was in the FIRST volume of Brown's Anchor Bible commentary
on John's Gospel, and specifically, it is #8 on pp. 510-12. Brown cites
two works (there may be more by now) then out on this usage of MENEIN:

Pecorara, G., "De verbo 'manere' apud Joannem," <italic>Divus
Thomas</italic> 40 (1937), 159-171.

Schnacken burg, R., "Zu den joh. Immanenzformula," <italic>Die
Johannesbriefe</italic> (2 ed.; Freiburg: Herder, 1963), pp. 105-9.

Carl W. Conrad

Department of Classics, Washington University

One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130

(314) 935-4018 OR