Re: E-Mail replies and B-Greek (was: "apologies galore")

Carl W. Conrad (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 06:39:43 -0400

At 7:43 PM -0400 7/8/97, Paul S. Dixon wrote:
>Dear List:
>I was just informed that a private correspondence intended for Carl
>Conrad and Jonathan Robie only may have been sent to the entire list.
>Please accept my apologies. Recently changed mailers and this one
>apparently does not properly indicate the recipients. The header of my
>reply indicated only two recipients, but somehow it was sent to all.
>Sorry, especially to Carl.

For my part, apology gratefully accepted. I do think that the Archives will
show that the bulk of this thread entitled "Re: SIGATW in 1 Cor 14:34" was
indeed distributed to all B-Greek listmembers, and I think that some of
Paul's earlier correspondence not really meant for the list also was
distributed to B-Greek listmembers without his intending it; in fact, this
is not an altogether uncommon phenomenon, and it strikes me as worth while
to call attention to an item of the FAQ (both the earlier one and the
recently issued revision). I quote:

> 2. "Reply" function of mailing programs
> Please DO NOT USE THE REPLY function on your email's software when
>replying to > the entire list. Mail software varies widely and unless
>your program can be
> set to send replies BOTH to the original sender AND to the list address, be
> careful to address your response EITHER to the list OR to the original
>sender > OR to both. Unless you are careful about this, your response may
>go astray.

One of the things that one ought to note carefully is the "cc" line in
one's headers--this can readily be overlooked if one thinks the response is
going only to the person(s) indicated in the "To" header. And if your
mailing program doesn't indicate the "cc" line (listing of
persons/e-addresses to whom/which copies of the post will go
automatically), then you need to switch to a better mail program.

I've not used the mail programs built into both Netscape Navigator and
Microsoft Internet Explorer, so I don't know whether they show the "cc"
line in their coposition window, but I would guess that they do.

I'm not trying to sell anything but those who don't know might appreciate
learning that one of the best e-mail programs, Eudora Light, is a freeware
version of the superb Eudora Pro, and can be downloaded for nothing at:

Finally, let me note that hitting the reply function and quickly sending
off a response to a list-message without checking carefully where it's
going is something that almost all of us (myself more times than I care to
remember) have done inadvertently and to our own embarrassment. But it can
be avoided with a bit of care, which is the point of this note.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(704) 675-4243 OR