Help For Missionaries, Pastors, & Church Members!
Sun, 10 May 1998 14:46:17 -0400 (EDT)


(From: Dino & Cherrie Layton, missionaries to Australia.)

You can now obtain long distance service that costs only 9.9 cents per minute on all interstate calls, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - for church or home, and 4% of your phone bill will go help missionaries obtain discounted goods and services through "Fellowship Connections."

- No monthly service charges
- No surcharges
- No minimum usage requirements
- No term contracts

You can also obtain a personal toll-free (800/888/877) number for your home or church (for inbound calls). These numbers are used for calling home when you're on the road. You will only pay 9.9 cents per minute for any calls you receive on these numbers.

Calling cards at 15.9 cents per minute, with no surcharges, billed in 6 second increments, can be obtained also. If you've done any research, you know this is a great deal!

Missionaries can benefit greatly on international callback, and a new innovation called "WebKall." Missionaries can now call from anywhere in the world using U.S. rates! For example:

1. Call the U.S. from Australia for 27 cents per minute (U.S.$).
2. Call the U.S. from England for 17 cents per minute (U.S.$).

What's even more exciting is that when you use these services, 4% of all your long distance calls will be given to "Fellowship Connections," a new ministry established to help missionaries.

To apply for service, send your request for applications to:

(Be sure to include your name, postal address, E-mail address, fax number (if applicable), and a description of the services in which you are interested.)

For more information, visit our secular Web page at:

or you may write to our auto-responder at:

You will receive addition information in your E-mail box almost immediately!

Thank you for your help in spreading the Gospel, and speeding missionaries to the field!

Sincerely in Christ,
Dino & Cherrie Layton