
Re: arsenokoites and malakos

   From: Tony Bowden <dejavu@athmail1.causeway.qub.ac.uk>
   Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 15:35:19 GMT
   Sender: u8915431@athmail1.causeway.qub.ac.uk

   I'm doing my Dissertation this year on Homosexuality and the Church, and
   a major part of the Biblical argument centres around the translations of
   the two words arsenokoites and malakos and 1Cor 6:9 and 1Tim 1:10 ...

   Does anyone know any good references on this question, or have any thoughts
   on what these terms would have meant to Paul ?

"A major part of the Biblical argument".  Does that mean that you
already have an argument in place, and you are seeking references that
will support you?  That doesn't sound like research to me.


Follow-Ups: References: