
b-greek-digest V1 #704

b-greek-digest             Thursday, 11 May 1995       Volume 01 : Number 704

In this issue:

        Re: WID [Suggested convention]
        Re: seminary questions
        Re: The English Second Person Plural
        Re: Greek font on internet
        Re: The English Second Person Plural


From: Carl W Conrad <cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:06:17 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: WID [Suggested convention]

Sounds fine to me, Bruce. Now, how soon can I use my spanking brand-new 

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
(314) 935-4018
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu  OR cwc@oui.com


From: Micheal Palmer <mpalmes@email.unc.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:06:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: seminary questions

On Tue, 9 May 1995 molsen@casbah.acns.nwu.edu wrote:

> > 2. The American Geological Institute produces a book that lists 
> > all the geology departments in North America. Do you know if 
> > there is a book that lists seminaries? 

I can confirm that such a book does exist. Unfortunately, my copy is in 
storage in Virginia, so I can't give even the title. It lists all the 
seminaries and departments of religion in the US and gives basic 
information such as address, affiliation, accreditation, etc.

Micheal W. Palmer
Mellon Research Fellow
Department of Linguistics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


From: Micheal Palmer <mpalmes@email.unc.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 23:45:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The English Second Person Plural

On Tue, 9 May 1995, Gary Meadors wrote:

> I learned Y'all as Ya'll.  Southern IN migrant from Kentuck.

I prefer "yall" (no apostrophe). In my experience most southerners 
(myself included) don't actually treat it as a contraction of you+all 
(though northerners recently relocated to the South often pronounce it as 
if it were). We simply treat it as the second person plural pronoun. Of 
course, historically, it IS derived from you+all.

What does this have to do with the Greek NT? Well. . . I use it in 
teaching beginning Greek, though I have to caution my students that 
"yall" carries sociolinguistic connotations which the second person 
plural in Greek did not.

Micheal W. Palmer
Mellon Research Fellow
Department of Linguistics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


From: Shaughn Daniel <zxmli05@student.uni-tuebingen.de>
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 04:20:22 +0000 
Subject: Re: Greek font on internet

>fonts from Philip Stone are like the SuperGreek layout.  If a person simply
>typed into e-mail using the keyboard layout (without accents), I could copy
>the e-mail into any word processor and change the Greek to actual Greek font
>with the click of a button.  I would be interested to see the keyboard layout
>of those who are using DOS machines.
>Carlton  Winbery
>Chair of Rel.
>LA College

I also use the SuperGreek font on my macintosh. What are they using in DOS
and the computer keyboard layout? This is essential for the whole process
of transliteration and format for cross-platform internet posting. In my
opinion, it would be easy to add "fonts" to any e-mail program on a mac, if
the keyboard layout were the same for both DOS and MAC environments. Of
course, accents are something different, but they might just work as well
(if 8-bit were used by all; no 7-bit stripping in your e-mail allowed).

Is the SuperGreek font from Linguist's software not offered for DOS systems?
Here is the keyboard for SuperGreek font on the mac for comparison purposes
(all capitalized letters are the corresponding capitals in Greek, except
where pointed out; e.g., j and J):
a alpha                         k kappa         v accent acute
b beta                          l lamda         V accent acute out to side
c chi                           m mu            w omega
d delta                         n nu            x xsi
e epsilon                       o omicron       y psi
f phi                           p pi            z zeta
g gamma                         q theta
h eta                           r rho
i iota                          s sigma
j smooth breathing accent       t taw
J rough breathing accent        u upsilon

shift-' = final sigma (when not using smart quotes)
shift-option-b  final sigma (when using smart quotes)
[               smooth breathing with accute
{               rough breathing with accute
]               smooth breathing with grave
}               rough breathing with grave
\               smooth with circumflex
|               rough with circumflex
'               circumflex (when not using smart quotes)
option-'        single quote mark
shift-option-'  double quote mark
shift-`         circumflex (when using smart quotes)
/               iota subscript
.               period
,               comma
option-;        greek question mark (when using smart quotes)
shift-option-;  colon

Do people in DOS-land use Eudora? I use Eudora 1.5.something on my mac. It
may be possible to get an eudora programmer to add the fonts feature to the
package for both Windows and Mac versions or get a friend to write an
add-on for eudora which will use various fonts, similar to what they have
done when updating TeachText to SimpleText (offers multiple fonts in
document) on the mac. Further, there would be a way for various greek fonts
to be used. For example, let's say your favorite Greek font is Corinth
(select that from your font menu). The e-mail program adds hidden format
codes <corinth>greek sentence here</corinth> and the e-mail program
recognizes that the corinth font should be used for the text between those
hidden codes. There are around 5 or so Greek fonts floating around in the
mac world; all with various keyboard layouts. If all those 5 Greek fonts
were installed in the system font folder, then everyone could use their
favorite Greek font and wouldn't have to change their keyboard habits.
Of course, to simplify the matter would be one e-mail program with its own
built-in Greek and Hebrew font with the potential of taking away personal
freedom in using your favorite e-mail program, but on the other hand, it's
an option which I could tolerate seeing the current transliteration
confusion we now share. It's not been a big problem for Netscape web
browser, actually, since the trend is on most www pages is "Use Netscape
for best viewing".


Shaughn Daniel
Tuebingen, Germany


From: Micheal Palmer <mpalmes@email.unc.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 00:23:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The English Second Person Plural

On Wed, 10 May 1995, Nichael Lynn Cramer wrote:

> More to the point, during the time I serve^H^H^H^H^H^H spent in Dallas, my
> office mate was givent to using "y'all's" --i.e. the second person plural
> possessive.

I would say this is standard southern usage. "Our dialect has more 
pronouns than yall's."

Micheal W. Palmer
Mellon Research Fellow
Department of Linguistics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


End of b-greek-digest V1 #704


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