more Qumran scrolls?

From: Vincent Broman (
Date: Mon Aug 14 1995 - 11:46:50 EDT

Someone posted asking about a rumor that "more Dead Sea scrolls"
had been found.

In saturday's and sunday's paper I saw news stories that
reported that in the Qumran area more man-made caves had been found,
but the find had been kept secret until an excavation team of
archeologists were in place, so that plunderers would not scoop them.
The excavation should start this fall, and prompt publication was
promised. The Israelis want to hurry the process so that discoveries
can be made before the area gets turned over to Palestinian control.
The Palestinians regard this as Israeli plundering of Palestinian
cultural artefacts.

Vincent Broman, code 572 Bayside Email:
Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, RDT&E Div.
San Diego, CA 92152-6147, USA Phone: +1 619 553 1641

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