Re: confused

From: Keith A. Clay (
Date: Fri Dec 08 1995 - 02:53:59 EST

>You wrote:
>>It's a slow night. I am a bit confused. I am being told that there
>>be an inerrant text of Scripture or I have nothing to base my faith on.
>>Some even say I can't be a Christian without believing (I suppose that
>>means give mental assent to) in an inerrant text. But they also tell me
>>that the texts that are inerrant are the original autographs which I
>>quite get to. Woe is me for I am in a pickle. I can't be saved without
>>inerrant text and we haven't yet found the autographs. If anyone finds
>>them, fax them to me quick!
>>Calton L. Winbery
>Quel chance!!
>Would you believe it? An angel just dropped off a complete set of
>autographs in a single volume. He said I could keep them a while, long
>enough to look them over. Unfortunately, the pages won't run through the
>fax, being gold and all. But if you can bear with me for a couple of
>days, I'll come up with an inerrant translation!
>P.S. I don't care what others may say, I'm certain you're just as tall as
>Bildad the Shuhite.

Would this angel happen to have been named Moroni? Just a thought I had
about gold tablets and all. And as always, this has absolutely nothing to do
with Greek.

keith a. clay - I personally like the great salt lake...

Keith A. Clay Tri-State Oxygen, Inc
4013 Blackburn Avenue 2927 Greenup Avenue
Ashland, KY 41101-5019 P.O. Box 121
(606)325-8331 Ashland, KY 41105-0121
School Address:
100 Academic Parkway
Kentucky Christian College
Box 171
Grayson, KY 41143


Fax: (606)325-8331 -- my computer answers both my phone and receives faxes.
      (606)325-9962 -- Tri-State Oxygen fax

   "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found
    difficult and left untried." -- G. K. Chesterton

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