Re: confused

From: Mike Adams (
Date: Fri Dec 08 1995 - 10:27:32 EST

You wrote:
>On Thu, 7 Dec 1995, Mike Adams wrote:
>> fax, being gold and all. But if you can bear with me for a couple of

>> days, I'll come up with an inerrant translation!
>> Sincerely,
>> js
>> P.S. I don't care what others may say, I'm certain you're just as
>> Bildad the Shuhite.
>Two things: 1) could you explain "Bildad the Shuite?" and 2) Even JS
>rejected the concept for an inerrant translation even though he
>to have used autographs and to have translated by inspiration.
>Alma Allred
1. Bildad the Shoe Height: shortest man in the Bible.

2. Well, if by casting Urim and Thummin one can not elicit an inerrant
translation, how much more inexact mere efforts with lexica and papyri.

Speaking of papyri, I understand js accomplished wonders in decifering
the Book of Abraham from the Egyptian autographs.

Ellen Adams
(sometimes a bit too irreverent for this forum...
but here nonetheless.)

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