Jn 4:54

From: Mark O'Brien (Mark_O'Brien@dts.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 22 1996 - 14:49:09 EST

A brief question about this verse: Should TOUTO be considered as the subject
("This was the second sign...", ala NIV, RSV, etc.), or is it in fact the object
in an object complement construction, with hO IHSOUS as the subject ("Jesus did
THIS as a second sign...")?

The lack of a relative pronoun would seem to argue against the former option,
since it seems unlikely that this would be ellided, and then one is stuck with
trying to work out what to do with hO IHSOUS.

I would appreciate any comments you all might have. Thanks!

Mark O'Brien
Grad. student, Dallas Theological Seminary

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, constant in prayer..."
                        -- Ro 12:12

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