Re: EPI in Phil 1:3

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Jul 22 1997 - 08:29:34 EDT

At 12:17 PM -0400 7/19/97, Jonathan Robie wrote:
>At 08:05 AM 7/19/97 -0700, Lex Kuhta wrote:
>>I think it depends on who is doing the remembering. Is Paul remembering
>>them and getting happy? Or does Paul get happy when they remember him
>>and their donations arrive? Phil is sort of a fund raising letter.
>>Grammatically, is there a way to tell which case it is? I don't think
>>so. So I resort to context. Since KOINWNIA in 1:5 refers to financial
>>support, I favor the notion that Paul gets happy when their cash
>>And so for me, hUMWN is a subjective genitive.
>Hmmm...the end of Philippians does clearly indicate that Paul had received a
>gift from them, and that it had been a long time since he had received such
>a gift. Here it is in the RSV:

Sorry to have to dissent from Jonathan, but if we're taking a vote on
whether the hUMWN in Phil 1:3 is subjective or objective genitive, I'll
have to vote for OBJECTIVE genitive. I think Paul is using a regular
formula here: "I mention you every time I pray ..." I also think that
MNEIAN POIOUMAI is a regular idiom here and that MNEIA doesn't mean
"recollection," "memory" so much as "mention."

Cf. Rom 1:9; 2 Tim 1:3.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(704) 675-4243 OR

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