Re: Further Greek Studies

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Fri Dec 19 1997 - 14:23:56 EST


I am teaching an online first year Greek course using Machen's book. We
are have way through the book now, the class having just taken its
mid-term and in a 3 week Christmas break. We started with 175 in
September, 10 of which were assistants. After 5 tests we are down to 17
who have taken all tests and are doing well. It has gone surprisingly
well. We have audio files for pronunciation, the students read and study
each chapter on their own, ask questions as needed, do the problems at
the end of the chapter, etc.

We are planning on hitting the Greek text for tranlation purposes in
January. Feel free to join us. See my signature file below for further
information. You also should check Jonathan's site. We have a money
back guarantee, though. If you are not totally satisfied, your money
will be happily returned. The course is free.

Dr. Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Wilsonville, Oregon

On Fri, 19 Dec 1997 09:20:57 -0500 "Theodore H. Mann" <>
>To All List Members:
> I hope you will be forgiving if the following is inappropriate.
>I'm a new subscriber, and a little uncertain as to exactly what kinds
>of submissions are considered acceptable. My intention is to "tune
>in" and learn from you all, without getting in the way.
> Although I intend to take a battery of courses in New Testament
>Greek when I retire (one or two years to go), thus far I am
>self-taught. I have worked my way through Wenham, Machen (twice) and
>Mounce, and am now reading a couple of books on linguistics and
> Can anyone suggest further studies (books, computer programs,
>websites, etc.) that will help me develop the necessary skills needed
>to do basic translation? I would be particularly interested in some
>kind of study system specifically designed to help students remember
>paradigms, rules of grammar, etc.
>Many thanks,
>Dr. Theodore "Ted" H. Mann
>Humanities Department/Music
>Oakland Community College
>Farmington Hills, Michigan
> .

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