Re: Greek font in Windows/WordPerfect

From: Mark Goodacre (goodacms.p&
Date: Mon Apr 06 1998 - 05:56:54 EDT

James P. Ware wrote:

> I apologize in advance if this inquiry is not appropriate for the
> list. I hope it is if responses are sent off-list. I am wondering
> how others support Greek in Windows. Until recently, I had only
> WordPerfect 5.1 and so used Zondervan's Scripturefonts, which worked
> well. I now have switched to Windows and WordPerfect 7, for which
> Scripturefonts is not usable. I am at a loss. I am wondering if
> anyone could share with me how they write and print Greek in
> Windows, and particularly WordPerfect.

I must admit that I am always interested to hear about Greek fonts
and how others cope with writing Greek in word-processing, web
documents etc. (indeed, it is one of the most useful things, to me,
about b-greek), so I will respond on-list.

I use WordPerfect and for Greek in it I used SPIONIC, the Scholars
Press free font. It works fine in WordPerfect (and elsewhere) and
is, in my experience, pretty user-friendly, e.g. ( for rough
breathing, ) for smooth breathing, \ for grave, / for acute etc.

I have the address for SPIONIC on my homepage (address below).
Jonathan Robie also has a good list of Greek fonts on his page.

Hope this helps

Dr Mark Goodacre
 Dept. of Theology, University of Birmingham

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