Re: follow up

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Thu Jul 02 1998 - 20:48:19 EDT

At 04:50 PM 7/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>If the enclosed room is inside the dwelling, Adam might have a
>point, Jimmer. The "privy" would not be inside...even if there was
>plumbing...for matters of purity.

But this presumes that the mass of Jews in the first century observed the
rules and regulations of the Pharisees- much less the later rabbis. Can
such a presumption be safely made?
If so, then what we have is a population much more religious than we have
evidence to believe, and much more civilized than the Romans! Again, can we
accept such a notion?
The Qumranites certainly made special efforts to "cover up" their toilet
habits; but, again, if they made such a fuss about it, it seems that others
did not.

Regarding Ehud, I can only second the recommendation of an earlier post
encouraging folk to read Halpern's essay.




Jim West, ThD
Pastor, Petros Baptist Church
Adjunct Professor of Bible,
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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