Student-friendly explanations

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Mon Dec 21 1998 - 18:02:40 EST

In the latest edition of Scholia Reviews, the work under assessment
concerns Greek philisophical texts; however the reviewer adds this note,
which may be of interest to b-greekers.

>>M.A. North and A.E. Hillard, <i>Greek Prose
Composition for Schools</i> (London 1938), which is
currently in print with Duckworth, the publisher of
Lesher's collection, still offers the most student-
friendly explanations of Greek grammar around.<<

Maurice A. O'Sullivan
[ Bray, Ireland ]

Confucius said: "To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study
is dangerous."
Analects 2:15

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