Re: Interlinear Bibles

From: John Contabile (
Date: Sun Mar 14 1999 - 23:12:43 EST

I use "The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament" by Douglas, Brown
and Comfort (mentioned by Kevin below) which includes the NRSV
In my experience, however, I have found that using an interlinear may be
helpful and quick, but in the long run becomes a handicap. Since I want to
know New Testament Greek above and beyond what an interlinear provides, I
have begun to wean myself from it using it only for a quick reference. On
the other hand, some have no desire to know the language on a scholarly
level, so they use it as a primary resource. Therefore, I think that using
an interlinear can be helpful, as long as you realize your ultimate goal
and use it appropriately.

John Contabile
Student of New Testament Greek

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