Re: Hebrews 11:1

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed May 05 1999 - 12:14:42 EDT

At 11:08 AM -0500 5/5/99, Moon-Ryul Jung wrote:
>On 05/05/99, ""Carl W. Conrad" <>" wrote:
>> I don't think the absence of an article makes a "substantive" difference
>> here, but it does leave open the possibility that the participles
>> ELPIZOMENWN and OU BLEPOMENWN should be understood as predicative rather
>> than attributive. I don't really think this has a signficant bearing on the
>> fundamental sense of the proposition, but observe how seeing the
>> participles as predicative slightly alters how the whole is perceived (or
>> how I, at any rate, perceive it)--my paraphrase: "Faith is the basis of
>> happenings while we are anticipating them, the touchstone of happenings
>> when we do not see them." I'll try to elucidate as I go along.
>Dear Carl, why are the participles in the genitive case? Your translations
>seem to imply that they are genitive absolutes. But they lack subjects, so
>they do not look like genitive absolutes.

Both participles clearly, I think, qualify PRAGMATWN, which is genitive
plural, I've conveyed PRAGMATWN (not altogether happily) in the above
version as "happenings" with backwards reference in "them" as objects of
"are anticipating" and "do not see." You are right of course: there's not
really a danger of understanding PRAGMATWN ELPIZOMENWN or PRAGMATWN OU
BLEPOMENWN as genitive absolutes because we have the noun-sentence
construction upon which this genitive plural and its attached participles

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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