Re: First year grammar

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 22:07:35 EST

According to Jack Kragt, Zondervan's academic representative, Wallace's
massive (864 pages) grammar is coming out in an abridged 352 page version.
This will be good new for those of us who have to cajole our students to
read 70+ pages per week. I have used Wallace and find it a gold mine of
information, but my students find it pretty rough going. A good alternative
is Richards Young's intermediate grammar published by Broadman-Holman or
David A. Black's _It's Still Greek to Me_ published by Baker. I use Mounce
and although the infomation is almost overkill, it's one of the best around.
Of course I learned on W.H. Davis's old grammar back in 1982 when I first
took Greek. I'm glad that the erea of Dana and Mantey is over. Now if
someone will just start providing some Hebrew tools...

At 07:46 AM 11/26/99 -0600, myron kauk wrote:
>Mark wrote
>>Question: I would like to take a survey of the B-Greek participants as
>>to the
>>recommendation for first year Greek text...
>I have been using Summers, not because I was committed to the 8 case system,
>but because I was committed to Dana and Mantey for my intermediate grammar
>until I found something better. Next year I plan to switch to Mounce which
>I think has several advantages to Summers. I was unwilling to do so,
>however, until I had evaluated Wallace and decided to use it as my second
>year text.
>Grace be with you,
>Myron C. Kauk
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
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