First year grammar

From: Mark Gibbs (
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 21:31:52 EST

Greetings folks,

I (as it seems at this point) have been given the task of implementing
semesters of elementary Greek (100 or 200 level, with the possibility of

adding 2 more semesters later) here at SMC possibly by fall 2000. I am
thrilled that this is the direction that may be taken and that the
administration may see the value in this...

Question: I would like to take a survey of the B-Greek participants as
to the
recommendation for first year Greek text...

This will be biblically focused (NT) rather than classically (though not

disregarded). I was brought up on Machen, but have had exposure to
Efird, and Wenham. It has been a while since I looked at the first year

offerings. What thinks ye?

If this has been addressed previously, please point me to the archives
as not
to bother.

Mark W. Gibbs
Professor of Religion
Spartanburg Methodist College
Spartanburg, SC

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