2 Samuel 12:31 [2Kings 12:31 LXX]

From: Numberup@worldnet.att.net
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 15:40:00 EST

This question began on b-hebrew, but I am seeking some insights now into
the LXX Greek rendition. Just what did David do to the war captives of
Rabbah? Particularly, the part about making them "pass through the
brick-kiln," DIAGAGEN AUTOUS DIA TOU PLINQOIU in the LXX. I do not
have a lexicon for the LXX (though I corrected that oversight with an
online order today), and the word does not appear in the Greek NT, so I
do not know all the possible meanings for PLINQIOS. The Hebrew text has
"malben," which some scholars contend means, not a brick kiln where
bricks are burned, but rather, a brick mold, a wooden frame anciently
used for shaping bricks. Correspondingly, they translate that David put
the captive people to work making bricks, not torching them in a brick

I was just wondering if the LXX reading sheds any light on what the
Hebrew "malben" was.

Solomon Landers
Memra Institute for Biblical Research

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