RE: Mk 8:35-37, YUCH

From: Stevens, Charles C (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 11:53:33 EST

<x-charset iso-8859-1>On 18 December 1999 at 12:05PM, Paul S. Dixon wrote:

<<I find it interesting that all the translations of YUCH (not pronounced,
yuck, to be sure)in Mk 8:35, 36 and 37 render it as: life, life, soul, and

Ummm... not quite all.

The *unrevised* New American Bible (1970) renders YUCH as "life" twice in
v.35, as "himself" in v.36 and as "life" again in v.37, and the footnotes
emphasize the physical over the spiritual life in this passage.
        -Chuck Stevens

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