Re: Mk 8:35-37, YUCH

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 05:37:04 EST

<x-flowed>To: Joe A. Friberg,

<< 1. This question could easily go outside the list bounds. That is one of
the reasons that in my initial post I gave several pairs of suggestive
alternatives for the two nuances of YUCH found in 8.35 :-) :
>- a lower and higher life, or
>- temporal vs. eternal life, or
>- present life only vs. life continuing to afterlife.
Choosing a specific alternative is likely going to depend on the theology
and anthropology of choice perceived to be relevant to this context
(Biblical Greek, NT, Gospel, Synoptic, Mark, sayings of Jesus). >>

The question was originally why in the KJV is YUCH translated as "life" in
verse 35 and "soul" in verses 36-37. This seems to have evolved to the
question of whether or not one could even translate the same term in verse
35 differently. IMO the sayings at Mk 8:35-37 are meant to be paradoxes. By
over-translating these sayings one would destroy their paradoxicalness.

Also, in passing I will note that Louw & Nida's lexicon based on semantic
domains does not list "soul" as a possible meaning for YUCH. Curious, isn't it?

And as I've already noted, the NRSV translates YUCH as "life" each time at
Mk 8:35-37. This would allow the reader to try to puzzle out the various
shades of meaning of this term. Anything more, IMO, would destroy the
paradoxicalness of these sayings. After all, if the Markan Jesus wanted to
be more specific, he could have added clarification (e.g. adjectives) to
these sayings in order to clarify what he meant. Sometimes a paradox is
best left as a paradox.

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
Disclaimer: "I'm just a simple house-husband (with no post-grad degree),
what do I know?"

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