Re: Septuagint and Greek as a sacred language

From: Cindy Smith (
Date: Sun Dec 26 1999 - 11:04:24 EST

I've gotten into a discussion with someone on another list about the
Septuagint and the Greek language. I told the story of the 70
scholars translating the Hebrew into Greek, and how, for Diaspora
Jews, Greek was once considered a sacred language. I was basically
told that all of this is false by this person. Rather than get into a
debating contest, I was wondering if someone on b-greek could
recommend scholarly book or two giving information on this subject?
Thanks in advance.

Cindy Smith Spawn of a Jewish Carpenter
GO AGAINST THE FLOW! \\ _\\\_ _///_ // A Real Live Catholic in Georgia >IXOYE=('> <`)= _<< "Delay not your conversion /// \\\ \\ to the LORD, Put it not off from day to day" Ecclus/Sira 5:8

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