Are these genuine examples of Granville Sharp's rule?

From: Ruben Gomez (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 06:51:00 EST

<x-flowed>Dear List,

I am trying to find all the NT examples of the Granville Sharp rule
in NA27/UBS4. According to Wallace's Grammar (p. 271ff.), the rule
only applies to common nouns, substantival adjectives, and
substantival participles when these are singular and refer to a person.
However, he doesn't mention anything about those entities that under
certain circumstances are (or at least appear to be) personified. This
seems to be one of those "gray" areas we all encounter every so often.

So my question has to do with six of those verses. I omit here the
actual transliterated text for brevity's sake, but the TSKS (article-
substantive- kai-substantive) construction is present in all of them.

a) Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34 refer to Jerusalem.
b) Ephesians 4:16 and Colossians 2:19 refer to the body (i.e., the
c) Hebrews 8:13 is talking about the new covenant.
d) James 3:6 speaks about the tongue.

In my tentative list I am inclined to include a, b, and c as genuine
examples of the rule, whereas I am not too sure about d, which
could be interpreted as an example of Wisdom literature (maybe
some would see the tongue here as a subtle form of hypostasis?).

I submit these verses to your consideration, and would greatly
appreciate your feedback on whether or not you feel any or all of
these six verses are true instances of Granville Sharp's canon.

Please, send me a copy of your posts to my e-mail address,
since I only receive the digested version of B-greek.

Thanks a lot.

Ruben Gomez

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