Re: PAROINON in 1 Tim. 3:3

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 06:51:59 EDT

At 9:55 AM -0500 4/12/00, wrote:
>I would appreciate any thoughts on the lexical distinction between the
>bishop qualification MH PAROINON (1 Tim. 3:3, "not given to wine/much
>wine/drunkenness") and MH OINW POLLW PROSECONTAS (v. 8, "not applying
>oneself to much wine"), a qualification of deacons.
>BAGD translates both as "addicted to wine," but I wonder if some
>distinction exists between the two, and for that matter, MEQH (Lk 21:34, et
>al.) and OINOFLUGIA (1 Pet. 4:3).

I realize that there are some, perhaps many, who think that every
difference in wording or phrasing is deliberate and profound in meaning,
but I don't think that's always the case. In 1 Timothy 3 I doubt that a
distinction is intended between PAROINOS and OINWi POLLWi PROSECWN; some
writers take pains to use the same phrasing every time they state the same
idea, others deliberately vary their phrasing.(e.g. Plato used both EIDOS
and IDEA for "form," insisting, rightly or wrongly, that concepts should
not be confused with words, while Aristotle endeavored consistently to use
the same phrasing when referring to the same concept). I think this is a
matter of stylistic variation for some writers while for others it is more
deeply rooted in epistemological presuppositions. We've argued (but not
really resolved in any consensus, God knows!) the question whether the
difference between FILEW and AGAPAW in John 21 is negligible or
profound--and there are intelligent people with opposed views on that
question. I think that for much of the human past and for the foreseeable
future, strong drink and "drinkers"--like "the poor" we have with us
always, and I suspect we shall refer to them with a variety of expressions.
(Incidentally, some newer list-members might like to look back in our
archives at a fascinating thread a few years back over the question whether
OINOS must necessarily refer to fermented grape juice in the GNT).


Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 WWW:

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