Re: PAROINON in 1 Tim. 3:3

Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 11:58:20 EDT


I appreciate the response. I agree that oftentimes synonomous words are
merely being interchanged for readability, John 21 offering several such
examples (in my opinion). I guess I would need to look at the
extra-biblical usage of these two words/phrases before determining if that
is the case in this passage.

Best wishes,

>I realize that there are some, perhaps many, who think that every
>difference in wording or phrasing is deliberate and profound in meaning,
>but I don't think that's always the case. In 1 Timothy 3 I doubt that a
>distinction is intended between PAROINOS and OINWi POLLWi PROSECWN; some
>writers take pains to use the same phrasing every time they state the same
>idea, others deliberately vary their phrasing.(e.g. Plato used both EIDOS
>and IDEA for "form," insisting, rightly or wrongly, that concepts should
>not be confused with words, while Aristotle endeavored consistently to use
>the same phrasing when referring to the same concept). I think this is a
>matter of stylistic variation for some writers while for others it is more
>deeply rooted in epistemological presuppositions. We've argued (but not
>really resolved in any consensus, God knows!) the question whether the
>difference between FILEW and AGAPAW in John 21 is negligible or
>profound--and there are intelligent people with opposed views on that
>question. I think that for much of the human past and for the foreseeable
>future, strong drink and "drinkers"--like "the poor" we have with us
>always, and I suspect we shall refer to them with a variety of expressions.
>(Incidentally, some newer list-members might like to look back in our
>archives at a fascinating thread a few years back over the question whether
>OINOS must necessarily refer to fermented grape juice in the GNT).
>Carl W. Conrad
>Department of Classics/Washington University
>One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
>Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

Jason King
Doctoral Candidate
Research, Measurement, and Statistics
Educational Psychology Department
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4225
(817) 738-3422 (h)
(409) 862-1256 (fax)

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