Re: Book Evaluation Requested

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 22:58:11 EDT

Edward Hobbs wrote;
>These Swanson volumes are a gold-mine. It's possible at some times and
>some places, to get a package price on several of them, saving lots
>of money.
I want to second what Edward has said. Swanson did an amazing amount of
work in a very short time. He did make a few mistakes, but his accuracy is
very good in light of the number of mss he has collated. One place where I
think he did not recognize what the scribes were doing is in Mark 2 and
John 5 where there are several occurances of the word KRABATTON spelled
with two T's. The scribe in several minuscules made the two T's look like a
TG (perhaps better protrayed as TY. I did not recall Metzger's presentation
of this as a double T but knew that in Greek you would never get a TG
coming together. I finally found in minuscule 1346 an interim way of making
the double T that was unmistakeable. It proves that Metzger is surely
right. Swanson always presents them as TG which cannot possible be what the
scribes intended. I found one scribe was also taken in by this for he wrote
the first T at the end of the line and put the G (looks like Y) as the
first letter of the next line! I think that one was min. 1877. I do not
have my notes at home.

By the way there is a picture of Swanson at his web page. His office looks
as cluttered as mine.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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