RE: Translation of Revelation 19:9

From: Bill Ross (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 20:25:15 EDT

...This is the antecedent to LEGEI in Rev. 19.9. While the verse does not
itself contain the word AGGELOS, it does refer back to it. Apparently the
translators felt the necessity to make this clear due to the intervening
section describing the reaction to the casting of the millstone into the sea
and the pronouncement of judgement against "Babylon."

Just a reminder that "AGGELOS" means "messenger". While this is commonly
used for cherubim and seraphim et al, it is valid for others, including men
or other communicators. Hence, one must ask who the messenger in the
antecedent is.

I'm not making a case for this not being a cherubim or seraphim or what have
you, only posing a reminder lest we stumble on our assumptions. I do tend to
think that it less often means cherubim et al than is commonly assumed.

Bill Ross

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