Re: looking for a book

Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 09:45:36 EDT


Thanks for the clear warning.

It is interesting to see the publication dates on many of the texts
which use this method (English cognates and derivatives from Grk) to
teach vocabulary. Most have printing dates from the 1800's and early
1900's. Later books (1960's?) by Metzger and Rogers focus on learning
roots and grouping NT vocabulary accordingly.

I have found the best way to learn and retain vocabulary is to get rid
of interlinears and diglots and read, read, read. While location,
location, location is everything in real estate, reading, reading,
reading is everything in Greek. For me, another reinforcement of
vocabulary, forms (declensions and inflections), and syntax is to try
Greek composition (without glossary). There are a number of older texts
on composition for Classical Greek (e.g. Sedgwick) which may be of some
use. If this is too taxing try translating verses from the English
Bible to Greek (without dictionary or grammar book, of course.)

Peter Scott

"Rodney J. Decker" wrote:
> >Does anybody know of a book that gives Greek words and their corresponding
> >English derivatives? I have often thought that such a book surely must exist
> >but have not stumbled upon it just yet. It would certainly be handy and
> >useful.
> In addition to the items listed, you might also note an older work:
> Horace Addison Hoffman, *Everyday Greek: Greek Words in English, Including
> Scientific Terms* (Univ./Chicago, 1919).
> I assume that people using this approach realize the dangers of it: some
> words do have a transparent etymology, but others are either not
> transparent or the meaning deduced from it are either outright wrong or
> anachronistic (e.g., relating DUNAMIS and dynamite).
> Rod

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