From: abilene (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 10:12:04 EDT

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<i>&lt;&lt;There seemed to be substantial agreement</i>
<br><i>that in a few isolated cases DIA + Genitive will indicate an event</i>
<br><i>"subsequent to" without any indication of extension or duration
(i.e., going</i>
<br><i>through). This is not the most common use of DIA + Genitive but
it is a</i>
<br><i>possible use which should be kept in mind.>></i>
<p>In the English&nbsp; New-T estament , DIA is translated by "after",
only two times, in Gal 2,1 and&nbsp; in Mc 2,1: DI HMERWN = few days later.
<br>Which&nbsp; example whith DIA meaning obviously "after"?
<p>DIA + Gen <i>&lt;&lt;will indicate an event "subsequent to" >></i>.
<br>DIA TRITHS HMERHS (Hdt 2,37) = each third day.
<br>DIA TRIHKONTA DOMWN (Hdt 1,179) = from thirty to thirty...
<br>DI ETOUS PEMPTOU (Ar , <i>Pl.</i> 583)= every five years, speaking
of the Olympic Games. It was better to arrive for the olympic games than
<br>DIA TESSERAKONTA HMERA = an allusion to the sabbatical cycle? Perhaps,
why not?
<p>Thanks for your message and to Jason for his previous contribution to
this topic.
<p>Sylva Abilene


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