

From: M.Leslie <M.Leslie@dl.ac.uk>

                  Southampton University
                     27-31 March 1995

               A Spring School organised by
      EPSRC Collaborative Computational Project number 5

This residential school is intended to provide a
grounding in a wide variety of simulation techniques
and is aimed at graduate students starting in the field.
It will be limited to 32 students, with preference given
to EPSRC/BBSRC-supported students in their first or second year
of study.  A knowledge of Fortran would be highly desirable,
and the course is targetted at students who need to write
and/or run their own simulation programs, or who would
benefit from a knowledge of the simulation techniques used in
molecular modelling packages.

The school will be organised by Professor D. J. Tildesley
and Dr. M. P. Allen, and will consist of lectures and seminars
given by invited guest speakers.  There will also be extensive 
hands-on simulation workshops using Silicon Graphics workstations
in the University of Southampton's Data Visualization facility:
these will involve Fortran programming, the use of a range of 
scientific visualization utilities, and applications of molecular
modelling packages.

Topics covered include:

* Introduction to Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics.
* Simulation of rigid and flexible molecules.
* Long-range forces.
* Calculation of thermodynamic, structural and dynamical properties.
* Methods for evaluating free energies.
* Mixtures, phase coexistence and the Gibbs ensemble.
* Simulation on parallel computers.

The cost for the week, including bed, breakfast, dinner, photocopied
course notes and supplementary material will be 150 pounds per student.
It is possible to apply for research council support to attend the
Spring School, and further details will be provided on request.

For preliminary information and an application form please send an email
message to m.p.allen@bristol.ac.uk or d.j.tildesley@soton.ac.uk.
Information regarding this Spring School will also be available
on the CCP5 World Wide Web server: http://www.dl.ac.uk/CCP/CCP5/main.html