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Re: 1 Jn 2:19 and universal negation - yes!

At 9:43 AM -0700 6/9/97, Paul Dixon - Ladd Hill Bible Church wrote in
response to my rather sarcastic post :-) :

>As they say at Hertz, "Not exactly."  The contrapositive of
>	If Fido is a dog, then he is a canine
>	[If A           , then B]
>	If Fido is not a canine, then he is not a dog.
>	[If not B              , then not A].
>Let's get this straight, please.  :)
>Now if this still does not make much sense to you (you're possibly
>thinking this is a truism), then it is because you selected a
>bi-conditional statement (what definitions are made of, i.e., dog being
>defined as a canine).  This still works, of course, but if you want to
>really appreciate the goings-on, then just stick to a conditional, like:
>	If Fido is a dog, then he is an animal.
>	If Fido is not an animal, then he is not a dog.

Yes, Paul, I understand the *logic* quite clearly, I just misread your
original post. I *thought* you had characterized the contrapositive as 'If
not A, then not B' rather than 'If not B, then not A.' I'm sorry for my

Micheal W. Palmer				   mwpalmer@earthlink.net
Religion & Philosophy
Meredith College

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