RE: Participle in Matt 17:25

From: Hultberg, Alan (
Date: Thu Jul 22 1999 - 17:10:29 EDT

>>ELQONTA is an aorist active participle masculine accusative singular. It
>>modifies AUTON (= Peter). So...
>>When Peter came into the house (where Jesus was), Jesus preceded him (Peter)
>>(in speaking about the didrachma tax), asking, etc.

>That makes a lot of sense.
>Now, would you deem a variant reading in codex D, that has EISELQONTI
>(dative), a scribal blunder or does it have some sense to put a dative
>participle here?

I can see no reason for a dative. It doesn't seem from the textual apparatus
also changed AUTON to a dative; is this correct? The only reason for the
variant, I think, would be an unintentional error on the part of the scribe,
from a smudged exemplar that made the A look like an I? Of from itacism--he
heard I when A was pronounced (though that isn't a normal mistake).

Anyone else have an idea?


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