Central Washington University
California State University at Los Angeles Central Washington University Community College of Denver Dartmouth College Golden West College Loyola University of Chicago North Carolina Central University Oregon State University Pitzer College Texas State University Tulane University University of Arizona University of Central Florida University of Maryland at College Park University of Massachusetts University of Michigan University of North Carolina University of Utah Webster University
Teaching Team

Dr. Delores Cleary, Dr. Bobby Cummings, Dr. Michael J. Emme


This course focuses on the mastery of multiple literacies in a diverse, global society. Student inquiry into self and society within the context of multiple critical paradigms will be communicated through oral, written, and video based indvidual and collaborative expression. Students will evaluate their own perspectives and knowledge in light of new information and countervailing evidence from multiple sources: course readings, mainstream and alternative visual media, Internet exchanges, their own shared writing, video production, and classroom discussions.

Students will:

  • Demonstrate the ability to read both visual and written texts critically, identifying assumptions and biases regarding gender, race, class, and ethnicity; synthesizing and evaluating the required readings; and examining inferences and evidence for reasonableness.

  • Demonstrate the ability to research and critically analyze the structure of American society as it impacts on gender, race, class, and ethnicity and to communicate their perspectives through written and visual means.

  • Work effectively and responsibly in cooperative learning groups, demonstrating preparedness, effective listening, and constructive criticism in response to each other's critical analyses and creative production.

  • Work effectively and responsibly in collaborative teams by demonstrating commitment, preparedness, flexibility and respect for individual difference in taking an issues-based video project from an initial proposal through to a finished work.

  • Expand the discourse developed in the -ISM (N.) course by presenting their video products to multiple audiences across the campus and in the larger community.

© 1998 Institute for Public Media Arts
115 Market Street
Durham, NC 27701