Oregon State University
California State University at Los Angeles Central Washington University Community College of Denver Dartmouth College Golden West College Loyola University of Chicago North Carolina Central University Oregon State University Pitzer College Texas State University Tulane University University of Arizona University of Central Florida University of Maryland at College Park University of Massachusetts University of Michigan University of North Carolina University of Utah Webster University

Teaching Team

Wayne Baseden, David Bogan, Ann Robinson, Dr. Larry Roper, Dr. Richard Weinman


Oregon's -ISM (N.) course, "Exploring the Dynamics of Community, Diversity and Isms" was offered through the university's Communications department.

The course focused on examining the dynamics associated with the "isms" at Oregon State University and the surrounding community. Students in this course were afforded an opportunity to explore the isms within individual and institutional contexts. Specifically, students had the opportunity to examine, document and analyze the influence of the isms on their own lives and the lives of those who live, learn, work and interact in the OSU and community which surrounds the school. Students also explored and documented the social, psychological and behavioral dimensions of the isms.

Community Educational Activity

-ISM (N.) students and faculty will work jointly with a local diversity organization, the Corvallis Community Alliance for Diversity, to train leaders and facilitators in diversity work. Target groups for CADUs trainings include local business leaders, the Corvallis Police Department, local rental property owners, and teachers. In addition to the trainings, OSU and CAD will work jointly on coordinating a community diversity celebration to showcase different cultures and help the community to see this difference as beneficial.

Contact: Anne Robinson, robinsoa@ccmail.orst.edu

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Resources Used In Course

Oregon State's resource list is not yet available.

Student Video Topics

Video topics are not yet available.


© 1998 Institute for Public Media Arts
115 Market Street
Durham, NC 27701