Re: Nine Choirs of Angels

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 08:13:37 EDT

<x-flowed>From: Cindy Smith <>

Saint Thomas of Aquino describes the Seraphim and Cherubim as being
two of the nine choirs of angels described in the Bible.

                           ORDERS OF THE ANGELS

1. Seraphim 4. Dominations 7. Principalities
2. Cherubim 5. Virtues 8. Archangels
3. Thrones 6. Powers 9. Angels


Thank you for bringing this clarity to the discussion on Angels. I was
mentally composing this same message as I was going through my in box this
morning. I might also point out that explanations belong in footnotes and
translations to should try to capture some of the genre and feeling of the
original story.

As one of those "Byzantines", who claims to be a theologion, that Carl
refered to, I feel compelled to point out that this schema was originally
set out by Psuedo-Dionysius. Who my Patristics professor used to fondly
refer to as doubting Denny. His other comment to us was---If you pray you
are a theologion, and if you are a theologion you had better pray---.
Meaning that the public prayers of the Orthodox tradition explain our
theology. Aquinus expanded the explanations on each choir and had a better
literary agent.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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